
German Manufacturer Launches Vibration Testing Innovation

A bolted connection often bears a lot of responsibility: e.g. in railroad or aeronautical engineering. But what can it withstand and how long before it loosens? The Junker test has always been the preferred method to get the required answers for quality assurance. It is used in particular to measure the service life of a bolted connection under dynamic transverse load. But the established method still had its weaknesses. Up to now, it has only been possible and standardized on a vibration test stand to adjust the transverse stroke without specimen before the test. During the test, however, the actual resulting stroke declined because the bolted connection was tightened. If the bolt then loosened during the test, the stroke continued to change. In the field it is ultimately the forced transverse stroke that leads to the loosening of bolt connections. In order to enable a more differentiated test setup, the new TesT 208.200kN allows to control the transverse stroke in a closed loop as desired during the running test. The transverse displacement amplitude can be kept constant. Any desired ramps or other sequences can be simulated. The product innovation already anticipates the new aviation standard ISO 16130, which describes amplitude regulation during the execution of experiments as preferred. It meets DIN 65151, DIN 25201-4, DIN 16130 and can be used to test all elements of bolt connections and locking systems. With the 208.200kN, TesT has further developed the Junker test decisively, setting new standards in the quality assurance of bolted joints. The family enterprise, based in Erkrath, Germany, recently announced the change of management: In 2021 the next generation is taking over the business. Julia Kiewitter, Arne Havemann and Jan Havemann are acting as co-managing directors. Since the foundation in 1994, TesT has evolved into one of the leading manufacturers of testing machines.
Über die TesT GmbH

Meet the German engineering experts for custom-built testing machines. TesT GmbH is delivering high quality solutions and services for material and component testing since 1994. Contact via

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

TesT GmbH
Schützenstraße 102
42659 Solingen
Telefon: +49 (211) 2099030
Telefax: +49 (211) 209903201

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