
BIOFACH and VIVANESS 2022: Organic food and natural and organic personal care sector takes stock and looks forward to summer edition of the combined trade fair

Following their postponement due to the pandemic, BIOFACH and VIVANESS will now take place as a ‘summer edition’ from 26–29 July 2022. On 15 February, which was the original start date for this year’s round of the combined trade fair, the sector will present an annual review of its performance as part of the online event “BIOFACH / VIVANESS Sneak Preview & Insights”. Worldwide, the market is developing dynamically and exhibiting robust growth. According to the Research Institute for Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and IFOAM – Organics International, for example, organic food retail sales totalled more than €120 billion in 2020. The summer edition of BIOFACH and VIVANESS 2022 is set to welcome around 2,500 exhibitors, 200 of which will take part in the international trade fair for natural and organic personal care. 

Danila Brunner, Director Exhibitions BIOFACH and VIVANESS: “The sector is performing extremely well, as we can see from the annual review but also from the inspiring input and insights that all our partners, especially the international patron of BIOFACH, IFOAM – Organics International, our national supporting institution BÖLW (German Federation of Organic Food Producers), and COSMOS and NATRUE, the two supporting organisations of VIVANESS, have contributed to the Sneak Preview & Insights. In both the organic food and natural and organic cosmetics segments, the market is growing at an encouraging rate. This is one more reason to look forward to the personal reunion of the organic food and natural and organic cosmetics community this summer here in Nuremberg.”

“Along with our customers and the entire industry, we are delighted by the sector’s successful performance in 2020/2021. We are looking forward to enjoying a multi-sensory experience of all facets of organic food and natural and organic cosmetics at the four-day onsite and online event in July 2022, including all the opportunities for personal networking, forging new business contacts and finally nurturing existing relationships again face to face. And naturally, we are also keen to discover new things, pleasant surprises and lots of inspiration,” Danila Brunner continues. “At this stage we are expecting that a total of 2,500 exhibitors will showcase their products to the international audience this year at BIOFACH and VIVANESS. Against the backdrop of the postponement, we are currently getting inquiries every day from lots of other companies interested in participating in July. We are working tirelessly in what has been such an unusual second pandemic year for everyone to ensure that we can welcome as many exhibitors, visitors and media representatives as possible to the exhibition centre. And to be able to offer our customers a completely safe and successful trade fair experience.” 

Michael Radau, CEO of SuperBioMarkt AG, believes that the summer edition offers a lot of potential: “I see a ‘Summer BIOFACH 2022’ as a huge opportunity. In all probability, people will be able to meet, talk and celebrate again in a relaxed atmosphere. At the same time, perhaps we can develop some creative ‘outdoor ideas’ that will make this round of BIOFACH incredibly special. So let’s seize this opportunity!”

Jan Plagge, President of Bioland, agrees that this one-off summer edition harbours a lot of opportunities: “We can hardly wait for the entire sector to finally come together in person again and enjoy the networking and conversations that we have missed out on recently due to the pandemic. It is important for us on many distinct levels to continue to bring the industry forward, in a political sense as well. Even if the one-off date in July is perhaps not 100% ideal, this is outweighed by the eager anticipation. And in our capacity as the Bioland community we also see the BIOFACH summer edition as an opportunity to get new and additional co-exhibitors on board for July! 

VIVANESS 2022 will also be held as a summer edition parallel to BIOFACH. Stephan Becker, founder and managing director of cosmondial, emphasises the sense of anticipation about the international trade fair for natural and organic personal care: “We can hardly wait for the trade fair and have great expectations of VIVANESS 2022. We are extremely pleased that the event can finally take place again on site after such a long time being deprived of the trade fair experience! Because it is crucial for us as manufacturers to now present our products to a trade audience. Cosmetics need to be shown, seen, felt and smelled! That’s exactly what a trade fair like VIVANESS is for, as well as to showcase our product innovations. In the last two years, natural and organic cosmetic companies have launched so many new products and made their ranges even broader, and we now want to put all this on display. We hope to meet a good selection of international trade visitors at the summer edition of VIVANESS and enjoy productive conversations with them. In view of the current situation, we are confident that those who do come have made a conscious decision to attend, so their calibre is assured.”

Save the date: BIOFACH and VIVANESS 2022 from 26 – 29 July as a one-off summer edition.

In 2022, BIOFACH and VIVANESS will take place as a ‘summer edition’ from 26 – 29 July.

Danila Brunner, Director Exhibitions BIOFACH and VIVANESS at NürnbergMesse, explains in an interview what that means, what opportunities it offers, and what exhibitors, visitors and the media can look forward to at this one-off summer edition.

Read the interview here:–xi2xy69cfi_pireport

Or watch the video:

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