
CannaTrust Cachet – reliance and trust for the German cannabis market

With a new cannabis cachet, the independent education and evaluation platform CannaTrust creates a new level of transparency for the cannabinoid market. The certificate primarily intends to give consumers more security by checking cannabinoid products of all kinds for their ingredients and certifying them accordingly with the CannaTrust cachet.

THE cachet for the cannabis market

The legalization of cannabis is coming in Germany. Even though the new German government has not yet put its plans into action, the legalization of cannabis is a done deal and maybe other European countries will follow. This makes it all the more important that consumers can trust the German-speaking cannabis market. Cannabidiol products (such as CBD oil or CBD cosmetics) have been legal in Germany for some time, but a consistent cachet for the industry didn’t exist – until now.

This is to be changed with the CannaTrust cachet.

The concept

The manufacturer sends their cannabinoid product to a certified laboratory. Afterwards, CannaTrust, as a neutral authority, compares the laboratory analysis with the information on the packaging. Certification with the CannaTrust cachet is only granted if the packaging information matches the laboratory analysis.

Again and again, products have appeared in the past where, for example, the stated CBD content did not correspond to reality. From the consumer’s point of view, the THC issue must also not be neglected. THC and CBD are both substances from the cannabis plant. While CBD doesn’t make consumers high, THC is psychoactive and may only be present in a hemp product at less than 0.2% by EU law.

Why was the quality certificate established?

Users want to be sure that, for example, a 10% CBD oil contains 10% cannabidiol. Until now, consumers often had to look through vague lab certificates to get confirmation about the ingredients of a CBD product. This is very tedious and sometimes confusing. Moreover, there is no guarantee that the respective certificate is genuine.

CannaTrust therefore works closely with the analysis laboratories and uses the original data directly from the laboratory to award the cachet. The minimum requirement for a laboratory here is accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, which is also intended to create a higher standard for the cannabis market. According to internal market research, over 60% of all laboratory analyses on the market do not have ISO certification as a basis.

More reliance for the consumer: What you see is what you get!

"In the past, there have been repeated cases of falsified or manipulated laboratory analyses. In addition, it is unthinkable in other branches that consumers have to read through such analyses to get clarity. We want to counteract this. In the future, anyone who sees the CannaTrust seal of approval on a product can be sure: What you see is what you get!" – Hendrik Brettschneider, founder of CannaTrust

CBD oil, flowers or gummy bears – finally transparency in the cannabis market

Whether hemp flowers, CBD oil, CBD cosmetic products, e-liquids and or CBD gummy bears – from now on, cannabinoid products of all kinds can be certified by the CannaTrust cachet.

For numerous products, a corresponding QR code will be found on the packaging, so that consumers can quickly and easily check whether a product has already been certified. The respective certificate is available online on the CannaTrust pages. It also includes the duration of the seal’s validity and a precise listing of the products that have been certified.

At launch, 11 well-known cannabis brands have already joined the cachet

The official launch of the CannaTrust cachet took place on Feb. 16, 2022. Just in time for the start, products from the following brands have already been inspected and certified:

– Cannadol
– Canobo
– OptimaFormula
– Vitadol

In addition, products of the following brands are already in the certification process:

– Medterra CBD
– HempCrew
– PhenoLife
– mydarling
– HappyBuds
– mojah

Über die CannaTrust GmbH

CannaTrust is THE education and review portal for cannabinoid products of the German speaking Cannabis market. CannaTrust informs consumers and thus helps to make the CBD market more transparent.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

CannaTrust GmbH
Alexanderplatz 1
10178 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 403674-100

Dennis Mattern
Telefon: +4930 403 674 120
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