
Bina Daigeler, nominated for the Academy Award®, will design the costumes of the Disney+ original disney series „Balenciaga“

Daigeler, nominated for Best Costume Design for "Mulan", together with costume designer Pepo Ruiz Dorado, will recreate the designs by Cristóbal Balenciaga through the different eras in the series

Jose Mari Goenaga, Jon Garaño and Aitor Arregi, winners of 12 Goya awards for "Loreak", "Handia" and "The endless trentch," are the writers along with Lourdes Iglesias, and directors of this scripted series recreating the leading figure of the Spanish designer

Renowned costume designer Bina Daigeler, nominated for an Academy Award® for Walt Disney Studios‘ live-action feature “Mulan,” and costume designer Pepo Ruiz Dorado have joined the creative team of the Disney+ original series, “Balenciaga” (working title). Daigeler and Ruiz Dorado will recreate the designs of Cristóbal Balenciaga through the different eras that this original Disney+ story covers, for the costume design of the series.

Bina Daigeller, a German designer based in Spain since the 1980s, was the author of the costumes for “Volver”, by Pedro Almodóvar, “Only Lovers Left Alive,” by Jim Jarmusch, “Mrs. America," by Dahvi Waller, and has been nominated for the Academy Award® for Best Costume Design for “Mulan.” Pepo Ruiz Dorado has worked developing the costumes for series such as "Velvet Colección", "La templanza” and "Narcos."

Bina Daigeler said: “When we approached the “Balenciaga” (working title) project, I was excited by the idea of working on a Spanish series about the most iconic Spanish designer of all time. I thought his shapes and volumes were beautiful and very modern. And now, after the process of creating the replicas, it has been very interesting for me to discover how he used the fabrics and how he created a unique technique and style of pattern making. I am very grateful to engage in such a challenge together with Pepo Ruiz Dorado, because it allows us to exchange ideas, support, and inspire each other. Designing the wardrobe for “Balenciaga” (working title) is like working on two series at the same time: on the one hand, there is the work behind the recreations of Balenciaga’s designs and, on the other, the costumes of all the other characters that appear in this series”.

Pepo Ruiz Dorado stated: “I knew Balenciaga’s work, but this project has allowed me to delve into his entire legacy and see how he influenced the designers who came after him. We are always dazzled by his most iconic dresses, but I have discovered a Balenciaga of simpler creations that, 80 years later, are still very relevant. The responsibility that Bina and I have taken on is huge, but we are trying to make our work as artisanal and accurate as possible and we are putting forth the effort and love that the master deserves”.

“Balenciaga" (working title) is an ambitious project by Disney+ in Spain, which has entrusted this original series to Jose Mari Goenaga, Jon Garaño and Aitor Arregi, the trio of writers and directors behind the awarded films “Loreak”, “Handia” and “The Endless Trench”, among others, with 12 Goya Awards and several accolades at the San Sebastian Festival. Goenaga, Garaño and Arregi are the authors of the script, together with Lourdes Iglesias, as well as directors of this series that will begin shooting soon in different locations in Spain and France.

The technical team of "Balenciaga," produced by Xabier Berzosa, is also made up by various professionals who have participated in previous films by the team and for which they have received numerous awards: Javier Agirre, director of photography (Goya for “Handia”); Mikel Serrano, art director (Goya for “Handia” and “Akelarre”); Iñaki Díez and Xanti Salvador, sound (Goya for “The Endless Trench”); Raúl López (Goya for “Handia”) and Maialen Sarasua (“Bajo la piel del lobo”), editors; and Laurent Dufreche (Goya por “Handia”) as post production coordinator.

Rounding out the team are the make-up artist Karmele Soler, who has worked with Icíar Bollaín, Ridley Scott and Pedro Almodóvar, and who received a Goya for “The Skin I Live In”; and the hairdresser Sergio Pérez Berbel, nominated six times for the Spanish Academy Awards.

"Balenciaga" tells the story of a man who dares to defy his social status as the son of a seamstress and a fisherman. Using his natural talent, constant work and sharp nose for business, Balenciaga goes on to become one of the most prominent fashion designers of all time. Created by Lourdes Iglesias and 12-time Goya Award-winners Jose Mari Goenaga, Jon Garaño and Aitor Arregi (“The Endless Trench”), the series is a story about the search for identity while overcoming adversity and defying social conventions throughout changing times. Obsessed in his pursuit for authorship among voices judging his work and the loneliness that comes of being an artist, the audience will witness the constant deconstruction and reconstruction of this master’s great losses: his life partner, his mother and his country.

Über die The Walt Disney Company (Germany) GmbH

Disney+ ist der ultimative Streaming-Service für Filme und Serien von Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars und National Geographic, zusammen mit "Die Simpsons" und vielem mehr. In ausgewählten internationalen Märkten beinhaltet Disney+ unter der Marke Star eine Vielzahl an General Entertainment Inhalten. Der erfolgreiche Streaming-Service Disney+ ist Teil von Disneys Media und Entertainment Distribution und bietet eine Vielzahl von exklusiven Originals, darunter Spielfilme, Dokumentationen, Live-Action- und Animationsserien sowie Kurzfilme. Neben dem noch nie dagewesenen Zugang zu Disneys unglaublichem Katalog an Film- und TV-Klassikern ist der Streaming-Service das Zuhause für die neuesten Filme der Walt Disney Studios. Darüber hinaus bietet die sechste Welt Star die neuesten Serien und Filme von 20th Century Studios, Disney Television Studios, FX, Searchlight Pictures und vielen mehr, ergänzt um lokale Inhalte aus den Regionen. Weitere Informationen gibt es unter oder unter der Disney+ App, die auf den meisten Mobilgeräten oder internetfähigen TV-Geräten zu finden ist.

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