
DATA MINING CUP 2022: Students of the Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation reach the winner’s podium twice

Today prudsys | Member of the GK Software Group, announced the winners of the DATA-MINING-CUP 2022. The Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation students achieved first and third place, while second place went to a student team from the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau.

The winners of this year’s DATA MINING CUP come from Malaysia. Team 1 from the Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation developed the best solution model for cyclically demanded products in the online store, beating 77 participating student teams from 23 countries.  

Second place went to Team 1 of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau. Third place was Team 2 from the Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation. This means that this university can be pleased about a double podium for Malaysia. In addition to the DMC trophies, the three winning teams can look forward to prize money between 500 and 2,000 euros.

Fourth place went to Team Universidade Federal de Alfenas in Brazil. The Army Institute of Management Kolkata in India came in fifth. The student team from the Chinese University of Hong Kong was delighted with 6th place, and the participants from Perm National Research Polytechnic University in Russia came 7th. The second German team in this year’s top ten comes from the University of Mannheim with place number 8. The two participating teams from Grand View University in the USA won 9th and 10th place.

This year, the focus was on “Replenishment”. For a fixed product range in an online store, the students must determine which products are purchased cyclically by customers. In the second step, the participating teams are to develop a model that predicts these cycles for all relevant products and customers or customer groups. Students had a total of 11 weeks to submit a solution model. Two teams per educational institution were eligible for the competition.

The video of the DMC 2022 award ceremony can be found here.


GK Software SE is a leading global provider of cloud solutions for the international retail industry and one of the fastest growing companies in its field. The cornerstones of the company are self-developed, open and platform-independent solutions. Thanks to its comprehensive product portfolio, 22 percent of the world’s 50 largest retailers currently rely on solutions from GK. The company’s customers include Adidas, Aldi, Coop (Switzerland), Edeka, Grupo Kuo, Hornbach, HyVee, Lidl, Migros, Netto Marken-Discount and Walmart. GK has subsidiaries in the U.S., France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, South Africa, Singapore, Australia and holds ownership or majority stakes in DF Deutsche Fiskal GmbH, prudsys AG and retail7, among others. Since its IPO in 2008, the company has grown more than sevenfold and generated revenues of 130.8 million EURO in 2021. GK was founded in 1990 by CEO Rainer Gläß and Stephan Kronmüller (Deputy CEO) and is still founder-managed today. In addition to its headquarters in Schöneck, the group now operates 15 sites worldwide. GK’s goal is to become the leading cloud solutions company in the retail industry worldwide, enabling consumers on all continents to enjoy the best possible shopping experiences.

Further information about the company: www.gk-software.com

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