Energie- / Umwelttechnik

Contribution against the energy and gas crisis!

So, what do you do when gas or heating oil is rationed or becomes immensely more expensive?

When heating manufacturers are working to capacity and therefore cannot deliver more than before? When components are no longer in stock? When craftsmen are no longer able to come?

When tens of millions are looking for immediate heating alternatives? Where shall these come from?

Originator Rainer Dubrikow: Well, let’s build our space heating from available and cheapest resources! I bet we can build an immensely effective, extremely economical heater, which also looks great and keeps a room cozy and warm in the winter. Power consumption is just 250 watts! For this, 3 – 4 old tiles/roof tiles or tiles per oven, odds and ends, as well as high-temperature silicone and some quartz sand our free building instructions are all you need.

This means that instead of a conventional small fan heater with approx. 1500 W, 6 roof tile furnaces can be operated with the same power consumption. This heats an entire apartment, which a fan heater can never do!

Conclusion I.: Tremendous electricity savings II. You can do this yourself. III. Simply with the tiles of an old barn, you can build heaters like this, for a small town or a bigger village: instantly and extremely cheaply. Resource-saving and long-lasting.

You can do this a million times and immediately in all countries with the same problems! Manufacturers of this world are not able to implement this immediately, but WE, the users!

The same is feasible for free room cooling (3rd contribution in the workshop: worldwide-innovations-for-free.com). Just with the thereby saved energy, one can operate e.g., several roof tile heaters, for a whole winter.

This saves immensely and makes us more independent! This is how our future must and will be: as SELF-SUFFICIENT and energy-saving as possible! This free workshop will enable you to implement this and thus help people who are currently suffering particularly from the energy crisis.

WORKSHOP Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zY2GS3wXXfoHjymCreinUqunvRC-i3Um/view?usp=sharing

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Meininger Str. 18-20
36452 Kaltennordheim
Telefon: +49 (36966) 299004

Rainer Dubrikow
Telefon: 036966299004
E-Mail: zentraleBRD@t-online.de
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