
New Lead Generation Method for the German Market

Many companies aim at the German market when considering a starting point in Europe and even for surronding Europen countries the German market is reviewed as very significant. Therefore, thousands of companies annually embark onto the German market but often with mixed success.

The sales experts of BDG have developed a new approach for more sustainable lead generation in Germany and is thereby focussing a broad array of industries:



Software & IT

Mechanical & Engineering

The method is a new process that soon will be introduced on the website of BDG and contain more details of how doors are systematically opened to the right personas in German SME to enterprise leve companies.

With guaranteed results of min. 10 qualified leads in Germany per project – in some much more is possible depending on size and lenght of the project – a high degree of output is delivered.

Further to this, companies profit from the support of the 46-head BDG team of seasoned experts concerning entry of the German market and sales on the ground.

Often the desire of foreign companies is to get in touch with big German cooperations and for many this remains an unrealistic illusion. However, the new lead generation process of BDG will focus exactly on the higher level of German decision makers, one could even talk about the "business champions league of Germany" and BDG is the central organization enabeling such high-level interaction. This innovative method is unseen in Germany.

Companies interested in building their lead generation with sustainable contacts whilst doing business in Germany are invited to visit the website and get in touch with an expert to discuss the details of a possible route into this great but challenging market. 

Über die bdg Consulting GmbH

BDG is headquartered in Cologne and has partner-offices in Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Munich. With a seasoned team of skilled partners, we have more than 46 people in our team today. As one of the few sales and business consultancy companies in Germany, we are ISO9001:2015 certified and have developed several methods for a successful market entry into Germany. We are signatory of the UN Global compact and support the 10 principles for growth, transparency and sustainability.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

bdg Consulting GmbH
Hansaring 125
50670 Köln
Telefon: +49 (221) 640090-80
Telefax: +49 (221) 640090-89

Marc Heimann
Telefon: +49 0221 64 00 90 80
Fax: +49 0221 64 00 90 89
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