Unterhaltung & Technik

Novel solution for yarn manufacturers: Senorics presents the SenoLab for yarn testing at tradeshows in India and the USA

The Dresden based high-tech company Senorics showcased their latest development, the SenoLab for yarn testing, for the first time at two important tradeshows in India and the USA. From April 6th to 7th, 2023 Senorics exhibited their novel device at YARNEX India. The event brought together manufacturers and suppliers of fibers, yarns, and related products from all over the world to showcase their latest products to a global audience. Senorics used this opportunity to present their SenoLab for yarn testing, a tool to analyze yarns reliably and cost-efficiently. It enables yarn manufacturers to determine and monitor the composition and quality of their products anywhere and anytime.

“With the SenoLab we have created a solution that enables companies to analyze materials easily and on-the-go.”, explains Thomas Schlicher, CEO of Senorics. “ The handheld device is based on our novel Material-Sensing technology, which uses near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics to reveal the unique optical fingerprints of materials.” This allows yarn manufacturers to carry out yarn analysis anywhere – in the warehouse, on the production floor or when selecting new suppliers. The results are available instantly. „This enables companies to make informed decisions and to optimize their product quality at any time.” YARNEX India was an important event for the company, as it offered the opportunity to demonstrate the SenoLab to a wide audience and to explore new business opportunities.

An important day for the clothing industry

From May 10th to 12th, Senorics also showcased their technology at Texprocess Americas in Atlanta, a leading trade show for the clothing industry. The event offered a platform for manufacturers, suppliers, and professionals to exchange knowledge and explore the latest products and services. Once again, Senorics presented the SenoLab for yarn testing and illustrated the advantages of the innovative solution for the entire industry. "We are curious to see how the international audience will react to our SenoLab for yarn testing," adds Schlicher. "The entire Senorics team is very proud to be able to offer customers our pioneering solution for material analysis."

Über die Senorics GmbH

Senorics is a high-tech company from Dresden, whose technology makes near-infrared spectroscopy suitable for the mass market. With the help of the new sensors, the composition of materials, such as food, agricultural products, plastics, textiles, or pharmaceuticals, can be analyzed and their quantity determined effortless. The sensors are very small, inexpensive, spectrally extremely powerful, and robust against external influences. This makes them ideally suited to be implemented into devices aimed at end consumers, e.g., in the field of household appliances or mobile electronics. For the type of spectroscopy used, a sample is irradiated with infrared light. From the wavelengths of the reflected light and with help of algorithms developed by Senorics, the ingredients contained can be identified and quantified within seconds. The company, which was founded in 2017, is a spin-off of TU Dresden. Today, 43 employees are part of the team. Investors include FIDURA Private Equity Fonds, ZEISS Ventures, Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen, Ventura Investment and TU Dresden Aktiengesellschaft (TUDAG).

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Senorics GmbH
Messering 19
01067 Dresden
Telefon: +49 (351) 85032400

Jana Mundus
PR Representative
Telefon: +49 (351) 3226-110
E-Mail: jana.mundus@senorics.com
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