KAGA FEI Europe and Silicon Line Partnership
“By adding Silicon Line to our product portfolio, we now have more options to help customers solve their engineering challenges when it comes to flexible high data rate communication. On the one hand, we have complete cables utilizing Silicon Line technology and now we can help when custom solutions are required as well. Especially for MIPI, which hasn’t been specified with longer range communication in mind, the Silicon Line products offer a unique possibility to improve or even enable new developments.” answered Dr. Klaus-Peter Dyck, Director Marketing & Application of KFEU, when asked about customer benefits resulting from this partnership.
Mr. Jerome Py, CEO of Silicon Line mentioned his motivations for entering this partnership: “Over the last months, we have seen increasing market opportunities in Europe and strong customer interest for our ultra-low power MIPI interconnect ICs, particularly in drones, medical imaging, security and industrial machine vision, fueled by increased camera resolutions and by the need for higher bandwidth requirements. KAGA FEI Europe brings a proven track record in our targeted markets and also brings solid technical expertise, which is instrumental for our customer experience. Their existing product lines fit perfectly with Silicon Line and I am really excited about this partnership and bringing more value and services to our customers.”
More about KAGA FEI EUROPE under: www.eu.kagafei.com
About KAGA FEI EUROPE (KFEU): KAGA FEI Europe GmbH is part of the listed KAGA Group with more than 6,000 employees and 67 sales and production facilities worldwide (23 in Japan; 44 overseas) and has been one of the top addresses in the Japanese distribution market and EMS business for over 50 years. KFEU sells electronic components, complex system solutions and EMS services. Building on the "best-in-class" approach, KFEU ensures that customers always receive the best product in a category, which is ensured by a very close focus partnership with selected manufacturers. The focus markets for KFEU are automotive, industrial, medical and communications. KFEU offers solutions in direct sales, via a web shop and via other affiliated distribution partners. The company has locations in Langen near Frankfurt and Milan.
More about Silicon Line under: www.silicon-line.com
About Silicon Line:
Munich, Germany based Silicon Line is the global leader in innovative ultra-low-power video and imaging technology enabling ultra-high-speed interconnect for a wide array of camera and display applications such as extended reality, medical imaging, security, video conferencing, and drones. Founded in 2005 as an outsourced integrated circuit (IC) design house, Silicon Line quickly developed proven expertise in ultra-low-power, analog, and mixed-signal chip design. Millions of ICs based on its designs have been used in the products of major brand manufacturers worldwide.
Die KAGA FEI Europe GmbH ist seit dem 1.1.2021 unter diesem Namen als globaler Distributor als Rechtsnachfolger der Fujitsu Electronics Europe GmbH am Markt aktiv. KFEU vertreibt elektronische Bauelemente komplexe Systemlösungen sowie EMS Dienstleistungen. Aufbauend auf dem „Best-in-Class“-Ansatz stellt KFEU sicher, dass Kunden immer das beste Produkt einer Kategorie erhalten, was durch eine sehr enge Fokus-Partnerschaft mit ausgewählten Herstellern sichergestellt ist. Fokusmärkte für KFEU sind Automotive and Industrial. KFEU bietet Lösungen im Direktvertrieb, über einen Web-Shop sowie über verbundene weitere Distributionspartner an. Das Unternehmen verfügt über Standorte in Langen bei Frankfurt und Mailand. Mehr zu KAGA FEI EUROPE unter: www.eu.kagafei.com
Robert Bosch Strasse 25
63225 Langen
Telefon: +49 6103 690 222
Telefax: +49 (6103) 690-193
Director Marketing
E-Mail: klaus-peter.dyck@eu.kagafei.com
Marketing Associate
E-Mail: maren.zimmermann@eu.kagafei.com