
More than 210 exhibitors from 17 countries ready for business at Agro Pack & Plast Iraq from 19 to 21 September 2023 in Erbil

Organised by So Fuar and fairtrade Messe, Iraq’s leading agrofood & plast event Agro Pack & Plast Iraq is all set to take place at the Erbil International Fairground from 19 to 21 September 2023.

This professionals-only event represents the entire agrofood & plastics value chain. Impressive figures underline the dynamic growth of the Iraqi agricultural, food and plastics sector:

  • Between 2015 and 2022, Iraq’s investments in food & beverage process and packaging technology increased at an annual growth rate of 15.5% (!), from €76m to €209m, making Iraq the third largest Arab importing country of such technologies in the Middle East after Saudi Arabia and the UAE (VDMA).
  • Between 2017 and 2021, Iraq’s imports of plastics technology were up with an annual growth rate of 16.6% (!), from €20m to €37m. (VDMA)
  • These technology imports enable Iraq to develop and diversify its own production, increase exports and substitute imports of consumables.
  • Food imports surged between 2017 and 2021, with a CAGR of 5.3%, rising from US$ 11.245 billion to US$ 13.827 billion (WTO). This solidifies Iraq’s position as the third largest food importer in the Arab Middle East, following Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

The dynamic development of the Iraqi market is also clearly reflected on the exhibitor side. While exhibitors from 10 countries participated in 2022, this year there are exhibitors from 17 countries, and for the first time the magic number of more than 200 exhibitors is exceeded. 

This continues the success story of Iraq’s most important and largest agrofood & plast trade show with 210+ exhibitors from Austria, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, the Netherlands, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Türkiye, and the United Arab Emirates.

Excitingly, the 6th edition will feature comprehensive coverage:

  • Agro Iraq: Showcasing agriculture, crop production, livestock breeding, and poultry.
  • Agro Pack Iraq: Focusing on technology and materials for food and beverage processing, as well as ingredients.
  • Food Iraq: A platform for showcasing and trading finished food & beverage products.

Furthermore, the concurrent 4th Plast Iraq complements the value chain, spotlighting plastic raw materials, machinery, equipment for plastics processing, printing, and packaging.

Recap of Agro Pack & Plast Iraq of November 2022 

The previous edition saw the participation of 7,758 visitors from 27 countries discussing their investments with 196 exhibitors from 10 countries. 

  • 5,459 trade visitors came from the autonomous Kurdistan Region of northern Iraq (Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, Zaxo, Halabja, Duhok, …)
  • 1,320 from all other Iraqi provinces, many of them invited in delegations as Hosted Buyers: 494 from Baghdad, 325 Mosul, Kerkuk 281, Basra 55, Babil 33, Necef 27, Karbala 24, Tikrit 21, Anbar 19, Diyala 14, …
  • 995 trade visitors from outside Iraq

The large number of trade visitors reflected the great interest and high investment needs of the Iraqi agrofood and plastprintpack industry. 

Über die fairtrade Messe GmbH & Co. KG

Founded in 1991, fairtrade has long been one of the leading organisers of professional international agrofood & plastprintpack trade fairs in Africa & the Middle East. Over the decades, more than 36,000 exhibitors and 1.5 million trade visitors have expressed their confidence in us.

With our international trade shows, we take innovative ways to connect emerging markets with solution providers from across the globe. Facilitating valuable business contacts between our exhibitors and trade visitors – that’s what we at fairtrade stand for.

fairtrade is managed by its founder Martin März and his son Paul, who joined the company in 2016, and builds on a highly motivated team of experienced and young professionals, many of them qualified in-house over three years in partnership with the German Cooperative State University to a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration – Exhibition, Convention & Event Management or Media & Communication Management.

ISO 9001:2015 certified and a member of UFI The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, fairtrade strives for high customer satisfaction with excellent service and innovative products.

So Fuar

With 20+ years of experience in the exhibition industry, the Istanbul based So Fuar company annually organizes exhibitions in Iraq, Turkmenistan, Türkiye and Uzbekistan.

Accredited by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Türkiye, So Fuar also organises Türkiye’s national participation in prestigious international exhibitions in Germany, America, Spain, Italy, Russia and many other countries.

So Fuar, in addition to their headquarters in Istanbul, also maintain an office in Erbil, Iraq‘s bustling and safe economic metropolis and the gateway to all of Iraq. Featuring a team of exhibition experts So Fuar aims to support exhibitors in their brand building and business expansion process.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

fairtrade Messe GmbH & Co. KG
Voßstraße 3
69115 Heidelberg
Telefon: +49 (6221) 4565-0
Telefax: +49 (6221) 4565-25

Luca Leiser
Public Relations
Telefon: +49 (62) 214565-22
Paul März
Managing Director
Telefon: +49 (6221) 4565-13
Fax: +49 (6221) 4565-25
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