Energy2market, EDF Trading and Green Energy 3000 sign long-term PPA for 5MW/1.7 MW solar-plus-storage innovation tender project in Germany
Green Energy 3000 is an international project developer for PV and wind-based renewable plants based in Leipzig, Germany. The Großschirma I project is their first project which combines a solar park and battery storage facility. Two further projects will follow in 2022.
EDF Trading is providing the long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the electricity. The short-term battery optimisation and direct marketing of the plant’s flexibility will be managed by e2m who will integrate the battery into its virtual power plant.
E2m offers operators a fixed payment for the provided flexibility during the entire 10-year contract lifetime (Flexibility Purchase Agreement).
The financing assurance is provided by DAL (Deutsche Anlagen Leasing) being experienced in PPA-based renewable energy project financing, highlighting the long term return security of this product.
The construction phase has started, and commissioning is planned for Spring 2022.
“We are delighted to be working with e2m offering a long-term fixed price PPA for this innovative solar and battery project. The PPA will help Green Energy 3000 to have income assurance for the output from this plant and help to meet its sustainability goals” – Valentino Scavardone, Head of Origination, EDF Trading.
“We are proud to be among the first when it comes to innovations and sustainable solutions for the energy supply’s conversion towards renewable energies. The signed PPA with EDF Trading and e2m on the plant combination PV + battery storage is an important milestone. It will act as a template for further projects of this kind thanks to the fruitful work of all partners. This will promote the planning, financing, realisation and running of further combination projects of solar energy / wind energy / battery storage. We are grateful for DAL’s excellent cooperation as well.” – Andreas Renker, Managing Director, Green Energy 3000.
“Through this scalable solution we are strengthening our position as leading flexibility marketer and bringing this large-scale PV+Storage-Project to the most profitable energy markets via our Virtual Power Plant. We will help the large-scale storage system team up with the PV park to be a key component of tomorrow’s energy markets”, – Raphael Hirtz, Managing Director, e2m.
About Green Energy 3000
Performing as a Holding company the Green Energy 3000 Group headquartered in Leipzig, Germany, is active in the field of developing and building solar parks and wind parks since 2004. Subsidiaries have been formed in different countries contributing to the group’s total turnover. The group has widened the conventional range of project development through an integrated planning department to realise the technical and legal planning and approval processes, as well as through a site manager department as well as purchasing, sales, legal and operations. By now the increasing running of proper plants, for example the project Großschirma, has a growing positive influence on the group’s total turnover. For more information:
About EDF Trading
EDF Trading is active in power, gas, emissions, green certificates, LPG, oil and LNG (through JERA Global Markets). EDF Trading is a leader in the European wholesale energy markets for power and gas. EDF Trading is a wholly owned subsidiary of EDF SA., one of the world’s largest power producers and a leader in low-carbon production. For more information:
About e2m
Energy2market (e2m), founded in 2009 in Leipzig, is one of the largest aggregators and energy traders for renewable energy in Germany. Via its own virtual power plant, e2m pools, monitors and controls remotely more than 5,500 decentralised assets of renewable energy, electricity storage facilities as well as consumers’ flexibilities and connects them to the electricity markets. With 3,158 MW renewable energy capacity (as of 2021) under management, e2m is one of the largest direct market providers for electricity and the largest pool provider for balancing energy in Germany. The business magazine Brand Eins named e2m as one of the most innovative companies in the energy sector in 2019. FOCUS Business voted the company one of the "TOP 50 Medium-Sized Employers" in 2018. With the infrastructure necessary for the marketing of energy flexibilities, market access to all relevant trading markets, as well as many years of know-how of its approximately 100 employees, e2m is contributing to shape the energy market of the future. Since September 2019, e2m has been part of the Local Energy Management (LEM) Division of the EDF Group. For more information:
About DAL
The largest and financially most strong banking organisation is behind the DAL: A stable and crisis-proof network of about 400 savings banks. Thereby the DAL makes it possible for its customers to have access to the Sparkasse group’s financial strength. DAL is ready in good time within the market for the future of PPA projects. The banking organisation is available to its customers with its knowledge about tailor-made financial solutions. For more information:
Note to Editors:
The companies make a forward-looking contribution to the energy transition. Within the German Federal Network Agency’s (FNA) innovation tender program, a combined solar and battery storage project is being built between Leipzig and Dresden in the Federal State of Saxony, and could enter service in early 2022. The project is one of a few renewable energy power plant combinations being awarded by the FNA within its 2nd innovation auction round. It’s proof that Energy2market (e2m) offers its customers energy solutions with guaranteed economic performance within the innovation tender segment. The large-scale PV battery storage project is brought to the lucrative energy markets and the PPA helps Green Energy 3000 to have income assurance for the output from this plant.
E2m continuously markets the flexibility at the most profitable electricity trade and balancing markets. More and more renewable energy plants increase the challenge of harmonizing fluctuating power generation with the demand becoming more volatile. This heightens the flexibility’s value at the same time. Power shall be available when it’s needed. Storage systems come into play and help out. e2m makes it possible for storage operators to yield considerable returns from their systems. Operators of Biogas plants, PV plants and wind turbines as well as municipal utility companies and C&I can also profit from this flexibility. The project Großschirma I was awarded under the German innovation tender which applies a fixed market premium to combinations of solar or windfarms with battery storage.
Die Green Energy 3000 ist eine Firmengruppe mit langjähriger internationaler Erfahrung im Bereich Projektentwicklung, Planung, Bau und Betrieb von Wind- und Solarparks. Die Firmengruppe besitzt ein umfangreiches internationales Projektportfolio und plant für das nächste Jahr die Inbetriebnahme zahlreicher weiterer eigenentwickelter Solar- und Windkraftanlagen. Green Energy 3000 leistet damit einen weiteren bedeutenden Beitrag zum Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien. Darüber hinaus tragen die Aktivitäten im Bereich Energiespeicherung zusätzlich zur Ermöglichung weiterer Fortschritte in der Energiewende bei.
Green Energy 3000 GmbH
Karl-Tauchnitz-Straße 10b
04107 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 (341) 355604-0
Telefon: +49 (341) 355604-61