• Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Call for Papers! Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week 2022

    Die diesjährige Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week wird vom 10. bis 14. Oktober 2022 in der Region Delft / Den Haag, Niederlande stattfinden. Experten aus dem Energiesektor haben die Möglichkeit, sich als Referenten für den Wind & Solar Integration Workshop oder das E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium zu bewerben, indem sie bis zum 15. Mai 2022 einen abstract über die Veranstaltungswebseiten einreichen. Bis 2021 bestand die Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week aus dem E-Mobility Power System Symposium, dem Solar & Storage Integration Workshop und dem Wind Integration Workshop. Im Jahr 2022 werden die beiden Workshops zum Wind & Solar Integration Workshop zusammengelegt, um den vielen möglichen Synergien Rechnung zu tragen…

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  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Konferenzprogramm veröffentlicht für den 6. Hybrid Power Systems Workshop – 26.-27. April 2022 auf Madeira/virtuell

    Der 6. Hybrid Power Systems Workshop ist eine weltweit anerkannte Fachkonferenz mit den Schwerpunkten Hybrid Power Systems, Micro-Grids, Island Power Systems und Hybrid Power Plants. Sie findet vom 26. bis 27. April 2022 auf Madeira/virtuell statt. Mit mehr als 50 Vorträgen in 14 Sessions bietet der Workshop den erwarteten 100 Teilnehmenden eine breite Palette an Themen. Systemdienstleistungen von Erneuerbaren werden ebenso thematisiert wie Netz- und Designaspekte sowie Systemstudien sowohl von hybriden Energiesystemen als auch von Hybridkraftwerken. Ziel des Workshops ist es, Teilnehmende aus Industrie und Forschung zusammenzubringen und eine Plattform für den globalen Wissens- und Erfahrungsaustausch zu schaffen. Dazu werden während des gesamten Workshops viele internationale Fallstudien vorgestellt, z. B.…

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  • Events

    1st Hydrogen Power System Integration Symposium (Konferenz | Den Haag)

    1st Hydrogen Power System Integration Symposium – 11 October 2022 – Delft / The Hague, Netherlands   Hydrogen is one of the most important clean energy carriers of the future. Although green hydrogen will not achieve climate neutrality on its own, it is the link in the energy transition for CO2-neutral mobility, industry and the power sector. At the 1st Hydrogen Power System Integration Symposium on 11 October in Delft / The Hague, Netherlands, international experts from energy suppliers, gas turbine manufacturers, electrolyzer and fuel cells manufacturers, automotive and industrial companies, research institutions and H2 solution providers will discuss how the transition to large scale green hydrogen application can succeed.…

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  • Events

    21st Wind & Solar Integration Workshop (Konferenz | Den Haag)

    21st Wind & Solar Integration Workshop – 12 – 14 October 2022 – Delft / The Hague, Netherlands Special Topics: Sector Coupling & Storage The 21st Wind & Solar Integration Workshop from 10 – 14 October in Delft / The Hague will feature a wide range of topics from resilience, grid forming and forecasting to hybrid power systems and micro grids, with the 2022 special topics of sector coupling and storage. This year, the topic of hydrogen will also be more strongly represented at the Wind & Solar Integration Workshop. The main objective of the Wind & Solar Integration Workshop is to stimulate interdisciplinary thinking between industry and academia by…

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  • Events

    6th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium (Konferenz | Den Haag)

    6th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium – 10 October 2022 – Delft / The Hague, Netherlands The purpose of the E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium is to discuss the challenges that arise with increased power demand due to electric vehicle charging, and how they can be met by coordinating with renewable power production in the electrical system. The selection of topics also highlights the need for integrating the required electric vehicle charging infrastructure with the expansion of the distribution and transmission system. The Symposium offers a prime opportunity to discuss the significant future impact of electromobility on power system design and operation. It aims to bring together experts on electric…

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  • Events

    6th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop (Konferenz | Online)

    The main objective of the 6th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop is to discuss the challenges that arise with the integration of high shares of renewables (wind, solar, hydro) into isolated/island power systems/micro-grids in combination with batteries/flywheels and conventional power generators. Finding viable combinations of conventional and up to 100% renewable based energy is one key solution for the efficient and sustainable running of these types of power systems. International experts will convene for the 6th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop to share their project experiences and to detect areas in need of improvement. As an island grid with a large share of renewable energy, Madeira is perfectly suited to grant a unique insight into the…

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  • Events

    6th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop (Konferenz | Madeirã)

    The main objective of the 6th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop is to discuss the challenges that arise with the integration of high shares of renewables (wind, solar, hydro) into isolated/island power systems/micro-grids in combination with batteries/flywheels and conventional power generators. Finding viable combinations of conventional and up to 100% renewable based energy is one key solution for the efficient and sustainable running of these types of power systems. International experts will convene for the 6th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop to share their project experiences and to detect areas in need of improvement. As an island grid with a large share of renewable energy, Madeira is perfectly suited to grant a unique insight into the…

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  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Wie muss das Netz der Zukunft aussehen? Welche Auswirkungen hat der Kohleausstieg auf die Übertragungsnetze und die Versorgungsicherheit?

    Die Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week in Berlin mit ihren drei separaten Fachkonferenzen rückt näher. Am 27. September eröffnet das 5. E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium die Veranstaltungswoche, gefolgt vom 11. Solar & Storage Integration Workshop am 28. September und dem abschließenden 20. Wind Integration Workshop, der vom 29. bis 30. September stattfindet. Erstmals werden die Veranstaltungen im hybriden Format durchgeführt, das es Vortragenden und Teilnehmern ermöglicht, vor Ort in Berlin oder virtuell aus aller Welt teilzunehmen. Breitgefächertes Programm mit Themenfokus Resilienz, Grid Forming, Sektorkopplung Die drei Fachveranstaltungen geben einen Überblick über verschiedene Themenfelder im Bereich der Netzintegration erneuerbarer Energien und ermöglichen den internationalen Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Industrie und Forschung. Mit…

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  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    What should the grid of the future look like? What are the impacts of the coal phase-out on transmission grids and security of supply?

    The Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week in Berlin with its three separate expert conferences is approaching. On 27 September, the 5th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium will open the event week, followed by the 11th Solar & Storage Integration Workshop on 28 September and the concluding 20th Wind Integration Workshop, which will take place from 29 to 30 September. For the first time, the events will be held in a hybrid format, allowing speakers and participants to attend on-site in Berlin or virtually from around the world. Wide-ranging agenda with focus on resilience, grid forming, sector coupling The three specialist events provide an overview of various topics in the field…

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  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Climate Change and Energy Transition Require Resilient Power Grids

    Resilience of power grids has never been as important as it is today. Extreme weather events – heat waves as currently in Greece and Italy or floods as in western Germany a few weeks ago – and constant cyber threats are commonplace. These events can catastrophically disrupt power supplies at any time and without warning. The energy transition as well as sector coupling require operators to increase grid resilience. Robust grids are no longer sufficient under the changing conditions characterized by a higher share of renewables and new consumers at the distribution grid level (EVs, heat pumps, etc.). Instead, forward-looking planning, decentralized approaches, innovative concepts and digital technologies are needed…

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