• Produktionstechnik

    Heavy industries gain from NSK spherical roller bearings

    NSK produces billions of bearings a year for a myriad of different applications and industries. Amid this vast repertoire is the company’s range of high-quality spherical roller bearings, which is steadily growing in prominence among heavy industries such as quarrying and mining, steel and metals, and papermaking. Made in Japan, NSK’s spherical roller bearing solutions are adept at resisting seizure and wear in demanding operating conditions that include constant vibration, heat and shock loads. Conspicuous among the range is the NSKHPS (High Performance Standard) series. NSKHPS spherical roller bearings maintain dimensional stability even in high-temperature environments, and can support high radial loads and moderate axial loads. The performance enhancements of…

  • Produktionstechnik

    Press brake specialist opts for NSK high-load ball screws

    Following success with previous-generation machines, a leading manufacturer of press brakes is once again specifying high-quality NSK ball screws for its latest electric model. The company is using the NSK HTF-SRC high-speed, high-load ball screw with A1 seal for its new machine, which with 80 tonnes of press force is the most powerful in the range. As with previous electric press brake models, the force will be carried by two HTF-SRC ball screws in tandem configuration, with independent electronic control of each axis. Thanks to the design of HTF series ball screws and NSK’s technical knowledge, the solution can withstand large forces while retaining a compact shaft diameter – smaller…

  • Produktionstechnik

    NSK Self-Lube® bearing units save steel plant €292,136

    Certain sectors and applications place particularly challenging demands on bearings. Steelmaking is one such example, where the aggressive operating environment means potential bearing failures present a genuine threat to production. Extreme temperatures, particle contamination, shock/heavy loads, water, vibration, high speeds and rapid acceleration/deceleration are just some of the daily hazards that steel plant bearings have to endure. However, the NSK RHP Self-Lube® range of bearing housings and inserts can overcome these issues, as confirmed by a major steel plant. The international steel plant in question was struggling with up to three bearing failures a year on a rotary coal valve used in its ore preparation process. In addition to the…

  • Produktionstechnik

    Collaboration between CHIRON Group and NSK : Machining centers feature ball screws with nut cooling to increase surface quality of milled parts

    NSK ball screws with nut cooling are setting new standards in the precision of machine tools with mechanical drive components. Confirmation comes not only from NSK’s own testing, but from machine tests conducted with CHIRON Group, a wellknown manufacturer of machining centers. NSK ball screws contribute to the outstanding surface quality of milled parts produced by CHIRON Group’s new CNC machining centers. The machine tool industry uses ball screws to convert the rotary motion of an electric motor into linear motion. Very often, the positioning accuracy, as well as the travel speed and acceleration, have to endure extreme demands. As a result of axial forces, acceleration and speed, the ball…

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  • Produktionstechnik

    Steel plant saves around €70,000 with spherical roller bearings from NSK

    For the past four years a hot rolling mill at a steel plant in Spain had been experiencing unexpectedly short bearing life, leading to costly production stoppages. As a result, the plant worked closely with the Technical Department at leading bearing specialist NSK to assess the application and propose and implement a solution based on high-performance spherical roller bearings. By adopting the recommendations set forward by NSK, the steel plant is now saving €69,803 per annum in reduced costs for downtime, maintenance, bearings and lubrication. When performing a technical root cause failure analysis, NSK’s expert team closely analysed the working conditions, as well as the lubrication regime to optimise running…

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  • Maschinenbau

    Machine tool builder benefits from NSK motion control solutions

    Euromac, a global specialist in the design and manufacture of punching and bending machines, is benefitting from NSK ball screws, linear guides and bearings in two high-profile recent projects. In fact, Euromac has been taking advantage of NSK motion control technology since 1995 as part of a long-standing and highly successful partnership. From its headquarters in Italy, Euromac tailors machines to meet demanding customer requirements; the combination of state-of-the-art technologies and unique concepts assures users of advanced, productive and competitive products at all times. Continuous improvement and innovation is a core company ethos and represents the reason why Euromac has been able to expand its worldwide presence and achieve impressive…

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  • Produktionstechnik

    Automotive plant saves €577,000 a year by switching to NSK linear guides

    The two automatic parts washers perform essential roles in the automotive plant’s engine build process. One machine washes engine blocks of impurities after machining, while the second performs the same task on motor heads. A full AIP (Added Value Programme) application review performed by expert NSK engineers revealed that the two component washers were suffering from high levels of corrosion, prompted by wash solution containing a mixture of metal residue, coolant and cleaning chemicals. This oxidisation was prematurely damaging the bearings within the four linear guides mounted on the underside of the machine, leading to seizures. NSK’s team of specialists therefore recommended the adoption of NH series linear guides. High-quality…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Automotive plant saves €577,000 a year by switching to NSK linear guides
  • Produktionstechnik

    Fallbeispiel aus der Recyclingindustrie: Wälzlagermontage: Auf das richtige Werkzeug kommt es an

    Ein kurzes Training und der Einsatz von professionellem Werkzeug: Mit diesen beiden ganz einfachen Maßnahmen konnte ein Unternehmen der Glasrecycling- Industrie den Personalaufwand für den Wälzlageraustausch um den Faktor Vier verringern und die Lebensdauer der montierten Lager erhöhen. Kreislaufwirtschaft ist das aktuelle Ziel bei vielen Werkstoffen und Materialien. Beim Werkstoff Glas ist das seit Jahrzehnten gelebte Praxis. Die Recyclingkette ist etabliert, sie funktioniert und leistet einen beachtlichen Beitrag zur Schonung der Ressourcen. Maßgeblich daran beteiligt sind spezialisierte Unternehmen, die das Glas flächendeckend sammeln, aufbereiten und den Glashütten als wertvollen (Sekundär-) Rohstoffen bereitstellen. Eines dieser Unternehmen mit mehreren Standorten in Deutschland beschäftigt an jeder Recyclinganlage ein eigenes Instandhaltungsteam, das gut zu…

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  • Produktionstechnik

    Correct bearing mounting tools and training bring savings to glass recycling plant

    A short training session and the use of professional tools from NSK: with these two simple measures, a company in the glass recycling industry was able to reduce the manpower costs required for bearing replacement by a factor of four and increase the service life of mounted bearings. Nowadays, the circular economy is the objective for many types of material, but in the case of glass it has been standard practice for decades. The established glass recycling chain makes a considerable contribution to conserving resources. Specialist companies play a major role in this conservation effort by collecting and processing used glass, and supplying it to glassworks as a valuable (secondary)…

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  • Produktionstechnik

    Longer operating life with NSK DH/DS series linear guides

    With its new long-life DH/DS series, NSK can offer linear guides that achieve twice the running distance of the company’s conventional alternative. This extended operating life is thanks to a number of design innovations, including new material and special heat treatment that promotes a world-leading dynamic load rating. By selecting DH/DS series linear guides from NSK, customers will benefit from enhanced longevity and reliability, which in turn contribute to productivity gains. Furthermore, such are the robust attributes of the new linear guides that design engineers can ‘downsize’, thus aiding overall system reductions in both weight and friction, as well as energy consumption. Among the myriad of industry applications set to…