• Hardware

    TSC Printronix Auto ID makes strategic appointment to champion its On-Site Service Program across EMEA

    Following the announcement last month that its On-Site Service Program is now available across its entire range of industrial and industrial enterprise printers, TSC Auto ID Technology has created a new position to champion the Program. The role of Service Program Specialist has been filled by Jaime de Sousa. On February 1st Jaime joined TSC Printronix Auto ID from Matica Technologies AG where the position he held was Global Head of Technical Support. His focus is to identify and work with new service providers in certain regions as well as develop existing ones. He’ll also be assessing customer satisfaction, creating protocols and standardising the On-Site Service Program and warranties. He’s…

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  • Hardware

    TSC Printronix Auto ID now offering On-Site servicing across all its industrial printers

    TSC Auto ID Technology EMEA GmbH’s comprehensive On-Site Service Program, previously only available across Europe on its Printronix Auto ID industrial enterprise devices, is now available across its entire range of industrial and industrial enterprise printers, TSC and Printronix Auto ID. Businesses cannot afford prolonged production and packaging downtime, they need to reliably produce barcode labels on demand. Even short, unplanned disruptions and failures can add time delays and costs upstream and downstream. By making the On-Site Service Program available across the complete range of TSC industrial and Printronix Auto ID industrial enterprise printers, customers can now benefit from increased operational availability, consistently high print quality and longer life for…

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  • Hardware

    Service-Power jetzt für beide Marken

    Kompetenter Service in Bestform: TSC Printronix Auto ID baut sein Leistungs-Portfolio auch in 2022 weiter konsequent aus. Bereits heute schon profitieren Kunden von einer Vielzahl an multiplen Service-Optionen, die den modernen Anforderungen gerecht werden, ohne das Budget zu sprengen. Denn ab sofort sind sowohl das „On-Site Service Program“ wie auch das „Extended Warranty Program“ für die Industriedrucker der Marke TSC sowie die Industrie Enterprise Drucker der Marke Printronix Auto ID verfügbar. Die Kennzeichnung ist integraler Bestandteil des Produktions- und Verpackungsprozesses bei kleinen wie großen Unternehmen. Schon kurze, ungeplante Störungen und Ausfälle verursachen Aufwand und Kosten in vor- wie nachgelagerten Abläufen. Eine regelmäßige Pflege und Wartung der eingesetzten Kennzeichnungstechnik jedoch trägt…