
MaxBill Seeks to Discover the State of Innovation in the Utility Industry

MaxBill has been a trusted partner and vendor for utility providers for many years, helping them to keep at the forefront of the industry. During the unprecedented events of last year, we ensured the uninterrupted delivery of our services, to support our clients through the changes. Drawing from experience, we believe that digital transformation is the key for energy and utility companies to recover and grow after the world-wide shake-up.

However, “digital transformation” is a very broad term, that includes a lot of smaller steps that have to be taken. To get a better understanding of where the majority of providers and producers stand, we decided to convey a short survey. We designed it in a way, that filling it out won’t take up a lot of time, as we know first-hand how packed the schedule of any professional is. At the same time, it covers two of the trends that are in the spotlight right now: Artificial Intelligence usage and Customer Management.

We expect to get valuable insights from this survey during the next 4-5 weeks. Shortly after we analyze them and draw practical ideas, we plan to distribute the results along with corresponding recommendations, so that all interested companies would get an idea of where the industry is, realistically. If you belong in the utility sector in some capacity, please take a few minutes to participate and join the force that moves the industry forward.


Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

St. Georges Business Park 207 Brooklands Road
KT13 0TS Weybridge, Surrey
Telefon: +420 222 200 300

Mariia Kovalova
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