
Communication in the Medical Sector: Arvato Systems Received gematik Level One Authorization for its kim+ Service

  • kim+, the service from Arvato Systems for communication in the medical sector, offers additional features making it particularly simple and secure to use
  • kim+ can be installed and maintained fully automatically thanks to an array of interfaces

Arvato Systems, an operator of central telematics infrastructure (TI) and market leader in VPN access service, received level one authorization for kim+ today. The service enables different areas of the healthcare industry, from medical practices to hospitals, to continue to use their existing systems for secure communication. In so doing, Arvato Systems is supplying a new telematics service for the future of the healthcare industry. Clients can sign up for kim+ from Arvato Systems now.

kim+ offers both onsite service providers responsible for installations and providers of primary systems (for example, hospital information systems, medical practice management systems, or physicians information systems) optimal conditions for smooth installations and seamless operation for their customers. “All user groups, from medical practices to hospitals, will benefit from this service because they can continue to use the software they are most familiar with. They only need to add kim+ as a new application,” explains Jan Wemmel, Head of E-Health at Arvato Systems. “Communication in the medical sector is a first basic step moving us towards digital healthcare. It is all the more important that the person at their computer can send documents and e-mails conveniently and hassle-free via the kim+ service. This aspect of user-friendliness is precisely what the plus in kim+ stands for,” states Wemmel. User-friendliness and efficient use are due in great part to the close cooperation with partners and clients who contributed significantly to this by providing their feedback. The system will be rolled out in the coming weeks.

Distinguishing features of kim+ from Arvato Systems

  • The solution offers primary system manufacturers a comprehensive service portal for them to provide full support of their customers’ kim+ mailboxes and automatic registration, configuration, and commissioning of their kim+ mailboxes.
  • End users can enjoy the fact that kim+ is easy to install and integrate into existing email programs. In addition, it is fully interoperable with all major e-mail programs and connectors and can be installed on Linux, Mac, and Windows systems.
  • Operation takes place on German servers in our own data centers.
Über Arvato Systems

Global IT specialist Arvato Systems supports major companies through digital transformation. More than 3,000 staff in over 25 locations epitomize in-depth technology expertise, industry knowledge and focus on customer requirements. Working as a team, we develop innovative IT solutions, transition our clients into the Cloud, integrate digital processes and take on IT systems operation and support. As a part of the Bertelsmann-owned Arvato network, we have the unique capability to work across the entire value chain. Our business relationships are personal; we work with our clients as partners, so that together we can achieve long-term success. www.arvato-systems.com

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Arvato Systems
Reinhard-Mohn-Straße 18
33333 Gütersloh
Telefon: +49 (5241) 80-80888
Telefax: +49 (5241) 80-80666

Marcus Metzner
Chief Marketing Officer
E-Mail: press@arvato-systems.de
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