
Market for IT Service Management Solutions Will See Continued Growth in Post-COVID Era

The market for IT Service Management (ITSM) solutions continues to evolve and grow, driven by accelerated digital transformation in the post-COVID era. ITSM not only serves as a strategic approach for businesses to design, deliver, manage, and improve the way they use information technology. It is also a way of ensuring better alignment between IT and the business to cut costs and boost efficiencies to remain competitive. These are some of the key findings of the latest KuppingerCole Leadership Compass IT Service Management

“Many ITSM vendors are shifting to a broader Enterprise Service Management approach to support collaboration and unified management across all service departments,” says Warwick Ashford, Senior Analyst at KuppingerCole and author of the report. “Another key trend in ITSM is automation which seeks to improve services by automating tasks and workflows, and reduce tickets by automating actions to resolve issues before tickets are raised.” Also, leading ITSM vendors are increasingly focusing on supporting interoperability with other products and services through the provision of secure APIs. 

The report compares Access Management solutions from the following nine vendors: Alemba, BMC, Cherwell, IBM, Ivanti, ManageEngine, Matrix42, Micro Focus, and ServiceNow. In the “Vendors to Watch” section, the report also lists other vendors with promising ITSM product offerings. 

Visit KC Plus to read the whole report. 

Über die KuppingerCole Analysts AG

KuppingerCole, founded back in 2004, is a global, independent analyst organization headquartered in Europe. We specialize in providing vendor-neutral advice, expertise, thought leadership, and practical relevance in Cybersecurity, Digital Identity & IAM (Identity and Access Management), Cloud Risk and Security, and Artificial Intelligence, as well as for all technologies fostering Digital Transformation. We support companies, corporate users, integrators and software manufacturers in meeting both tactical and strategic challenges and make better decisions for the success of their business. Maintaining a balance between immediate implementation and long-term viability is at the heart of our philosophy.

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