Finanzen / Bilanzen

Legal proceedings initiated against RoodMicrotec GmbH regarding perpetual bond

RoodMicrotec N.V., a leading independent company for semiconductors supply and quality services, announces that it has been informed by Prime Capital Debt SCS, SICAV-FIS – Robus Recovery Sub-Fund ("Robus") that Robus has initiated legal proceedings before the Regional Court of Hamburg (Landgericht Hamburg) against its wholly owned subsidiary RoodMicrotec GmbH.

Robus is the holder of the perpetual bond (Genussscheine) of EUR 1,994k that RoodMicrotec GmbH issued in 2010 and of the perpetual bond of EUR 500k that RoodMicrotec GmbH issued in 2012. Robus claims that it is entitled to an 11.7% compensation payment in relation to 2017, 2018 and H1-2021. In addition, alleging non-compliance by RoodMicrotec GmbH of the terms and conditions of the perpetual bonds, Robus claims the repayment of the nominal amount of the perpetual bonds asserting the extraordinary termination of the perpetual bonds. The case that Robus has brought before the Regional Court of Hamburg regards the 2012 perpetual bond only and RoodMicrotec GmbH has been informed by Robus that the total amount claimed in the proceedings amounts to EUR 644k to be increased with interest (statutory interest (Basiszinssatz) plus 5%). Robus has informed RoodMicrotec GmbH that it has reserved its rights to also initiate litigation regarding the 2010 perpetual bond.

RoodMicrotec GmbH contests all allegations and claims, and denies that any compensation payments are due on the perpetual bonds or that any grounds for extraordinary termination of the perpetual bonds exist. Accordingly, RoodMicrotec GmbH will ask the court to reject Robus‘ claim.

RoodMicrotec N.V. will keep its shareholders and other stakeholders informed of significant developments and will issue additional statements if and when appropriate.

This press release is only published in English. This communication contains information that qualifies as inside information within the meaning of Article 7(1) of the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The company’s managing director and CEO Martin Sallenhag, is responsible for arranging the release of this document on behalf of RoodMicrotec.

Über die RoodMicrotec GmbH

RoodMicrotec is a leading independent company for semiconductor supply and quality services. With more than 50 years of experience in the semiconductor and electronics industry, RoodMicrotec is well-established as a highly valued partner for many companies worldwide. The Company provides full-turnkey ASIC services for complex microchips that are customized to handle specific applications for individual customers. In cooperation with strong partners, RoodMicrotec manages the entire development and production flow of ASICs in the target volume, ranging from low quantities up to multiple millions per year. The turnkey solution includes project management, wafer test, assembly, final test, qualification, failure analysis and logistics. All services comply with the industrial and quality requirements of the high reliability, aerospace, automotive, healthcare and industrial sectors. RoodMicrotec’s headquarters are located in Deventer, Netherlands, with operational units in Nördlingen and Stuttgart, Germany.
For more information visit

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

RoodMicrotec GmbH
Oettinger Str. 6
86720 Nördlingen
Telefon: +49 (9081) 8040
Telefax: +49 (9081) 804208

Martin Sallenhag
CEO, Arvid Ladega – CFO
Telefon: +31 (570) 745623
Irmgard Bayerle
Telefon: +49 (9081) 804-112
Fax: +49 (9081) 8046112
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