
Cognitec Joins SALTO Group

With Cognitec Systems joining the SALTO Group, the face recognition company will strengthen research, development and market reach for its established product portfolio while working with SALTO on new technologies for expanding biometric markets.

SALTO strategically selected Cognitec to meet market requests for adding face recognition and artificial intelligence technologies to the company’s renowned electronic access control and ticketing solutions. In addition, both companies appreciate a similar innovative work environment and corporate culture.

"Working with Cognitec gives SALTO the opportunity to integrate emerging biometric and AI technologies into our Group products and platforms to create new solutions and services that benefit all of our clients," said SALTO’s Chief Technology and Innovation Officer Marc Handels.

Cognitec with its established brands will continue focusing on all business relations with its government and commercial clients worldwide through offering the company’s reputable face recognition solutions and customer support. The current office locations and experienced teams remain in Germany, the United States, and Australia.

Cognitec CEO Alfredo Herrera emphasized the importance of a partnership that brings advantages to both companies, and to all existing and future customers. "Becoming part of the SALTO Group allows us to extend our capabilities, market reach and business connections," said Herrera. "Since our founding, Cognitec has been the only company worldwide that has worked exclusively on face recognition technologies. SALTO brings an equally focused and excellence-driven corporate history to this alliance. We are ready to reap the mutual benefits of joining our innovative drive and long-standing expertise."

SALTO Systems is a global leader in the development and manufacture of world-class hardware and software access control products, smart locker systems management, cashless payment, and ticketing & booking solutions capable of meeting the needs of any type of building and infrastructure-regardless of the industry, size, type of door, or number of users.

Über die Cognitec Systems GmbH

About Cognitec
Cognitec is the only company worldwide that has worked exclusively on face recognition technology since its inception in 2002. The company is proud to maintain a market-leading position within the industry, and to uphold the trust it has gained as a reliable provider of biometric technologies.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Cognitec Systems GmbH
Grossenhainer Str. 101
01127 Dresden
Telefon: +49 (351) 86292-0
Telefax: +49 (351) 86292-10

Elke Oberg
Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (351) 862-9214
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