Energie- / Umwelttechnik

RWE Supply & Trading starts trading in voluntary emission reductions

• From July onwards, it will be possible to obtain voluntary emission reductions (VERs) on RWE’s Easy Commodity Trader platform
• RWE will also offer new combination product consisting of VERs and a standard gas product (Carbon Compensated Gas)

From July onwards, RWE will offer a certified carbon compensation product – voluntary emission reductions (VERs) – to its key accounts and industrial customers. Voluntary emission reductions are resulting of projects that aim to reduce or avoid emissions. The certificates can be obtained on RWE’s digital platform Easy Commodity Trader or directly via RWE Supply & Trading.

The revenue generated from the purchase of the certificates will be used to finance projects that aim at reducing emissions, which would not be possible without financial support. VERs are intended to complement a decarbonisation strategy and help in the transition to a carbon-free world. Capital from carbon emitters is transferred to projects that sequester or reduce carbon. The projects undertaken using these certificates are subject to verified standards such as The Gold Standard and VERRA’s VCS-CCB. These standards are the most widely used in the world and ensure that strict quality criteria are met. They make sure that greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by the target amount.

The certificates are used to fund projects in areas such as reforestation or the construction of renewable energy plants in developing countries. Where requested by the customer, RWE will also handle the deletion of certificates if the customer does not have an own account with the relevant registry offices.

At e-world, RWE Supply & Trading and OTC trading platform enmacc will introduce another new product – carbon compensated gas. It consists of VER certificates and natural gas supply contracts and is predominantly aimed at municipal authorities and utilities. This will enable them to make their gas purchases carbon neutral.

RWE is the first to offer carbon compensated gas on wholesale markets. Until now, customers have had to sign tailored individual contracts for this purpose. Enmacc is a digital trading platform used for direct bilateral trading in energy commodities, which is currently used by over 200 municipal utility customers.

At the E-world energy & water exhibition, those who are interested can find out more about these products as well as other solutions offered by RWE. More information on VER’s can be found on the RWE website.


Über die RWE Supply & Trading GmbH

RWE Supply & Trading is the interface between RWE and the energy markets around the world. Approximately 1,600 employees from over 50 different countries trade (renewable) electricity, (green) gas, commodities and CO2 emission allowances. Accurate market analyses and a high degree of customer centricity enable them to create innovative energy supply solutions as well as risk management concepts for industrial operations. The trading entity also ensures the commercial optimisation of RWE’s power plant dispatch and markets electricity from renewables. In addition, there are the legally independent RWE gas storage companies in Germany and Czech Republic under the umbrella of RWE Supply & Trading.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

RWE Supply & Trading GmbH
Altenessener Straße 27
45141 Essen
Telefon: +49 (201) 1209
Telefax: +49 (201) 51794040

Regina Wolter
Media Relations
Telefon: +49 (201) 12-44773
E-Mail: regina.wolter@rwe.com
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