
Beter Bed launches M line Allergen Spray with “HeiQ Synbio Inside”

The new M line Allergen Spray, powered by patented HeiQ Synbio technology, eliminates allergens that are commonly found in our homes, and which affect a large percentage of people. These allergens include dust mite matters and allergens on pet hair which are found on our beds, sofas, carpets, curtains, and other household items. By applying the Allergen Spray, you can harness the powers of active probiotics, which break down common allergens, making bedroom and living spaces more comfortable and fresher.

Allergies are typically triggered by allergenic proteins. The active probiotics (beneficial bacteria) in the spray generate enzymes that break down proteins, removing these allergy triggers. A study by BMA Laboratories (Bochum, Germany), an accredited and independent laboratory, observed a 60% house dust mite allergens reduction, over 75% pet allergen reduction, and a close to 90% pollen allergen reduction, after the initial treatment.

The future of allergen reduction with the M line Allergen Spray, where innovation meets everyday convenience, is now available at Beter Bed stores in The Netherlands and the Belgian Flemish region. The continuous misting spray bottle ensures an even application, making it suitable to apply in home textiles such as mattress toppers, bed linen, pillow covers, comforters, carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture, or any other items in reach of dust mites and pets. In the first week, the spray should be applied every day, and thereafter twice per week. The probiotics keep working for days, helping to maintain a balanced microbiome on treated surfaces.

“We are thrilled to see our synbiotic Allergen Spray making its debut in Belgium and the Netherlands through our esteemed partner company. This launch marks a significant milestone in our mission to provide innovative solutions for a problem that affects so many people," says Robin Temmerman, Head of BU Life Sciences at HeiQ and CEO of HeiQ Chrisal in Belgium.

"Our brand, M line, has one mission: to help people sleep well. A good night’s sleep is essential for maximum performance and recovery of the body and mind. Since its foundation in 2001, M line has been inextricably linked to top-level sport; many top athletes work with the brand because they see sleep as part of their training and preparation for performance. Allergens are a key obstacle to a good night’s sleep. Last year, we introduced mattresses featuring HeiQ Allergen Tech. Recognizing that a great mattress is just one component of a good night’s sleep, now, with the launch of M line Allergen Spray, we offer an easy solution not only for other bedding items but also for other items within the bedroom. We are excited to enhance the sleeping experience for our customers.”, says Eric Louwers, Category Manager of M line.

Über die HeiQ Materials AG

Established in 2005 during a hike through the Swiss Alps, HeiQ was born from a moment of inspiration between co-founders Carlo Centonze and Dr. Murray Height. Motivated by solving everyday challenges through science – like persistent odors in hiking shirts – they embarked on a mission to revolutionize material innovation. As a spin-off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETH), and listed on the London Stock Exchange Main Market (XLON:HEIQ), HeiQ has evolved into a global leader in biotech ingredients and specialty chemicals for diverse applications such as textiles, flooring, building materials, glass, plastics, probiotic cleaning, cosmetics and more, for 1000+ partners in over 60 countries. Our mission is to infuse ordinary products with extraordinary qualities, offering our co-creation partners sustainable and revolutionary solutions. We’ve developed over 200 technologies with 300 leading brands and our global team comprises 230 professionals from 30 nationalities across five continents. We’re committed to shaping a future where everyday products drive positive change, one innovation at a time. Visit us at:

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HeiQ Materials AG
Ruetistrasse 12
CH8952 Schlieren
Telefon: +41 (56) 2506850
Telefax: +41 (56) 2506841

Jorge Fiens
PR & Corporate Communications Director
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