• Software

    Software zur Fehlersuche und Überwachung von EtherCAT® Netzwerken

    Mit EC-Inspector erweitert acontis die Kategorie Tools um ein neues, einfach zu bedienendes Windows-Tool zur Fehlersuche und Überwachung von EtherCAT®-Netzwerken. Das Programm kann autark und unabhängig von der Steuerung verwendet werden und funktioniert mit EtherCAT Master Controllern aller Hersteller, z. B. Beckhoff, Omron, Bosch-Rexroth, Lenze, acontis. Der EC-Inspector analysiert mit Hilfe eines TAP (Test Access Point) Device den kompletten Datenverkehr zwischen dem Master und den EtherCAT Slaves. In der Regel wird der TAP zwischen dem Master und dem ersten Slave platziert, aber auch zwischen zwei beliebigen anderen Slaves ist der Einbau möglich. Der Einsatz von EC-Inspector bringt viele Vorteile wie: Einsetzbar für neue Anlagen (Greenfield) und bestehende Installationen (Brownfield) Kein…

  • Software

    Troubleshooting and Monitoring Tool for EtherCAT® Networks

    With EC-Inspector acontis is adding a new easy to use Windows tool for troubleshooting and monitoring of EtherCAT® Networks to the tools category. The program acts independently of the master controller and works with EtherCAT masters from many manufacturers (Beckhoff, Omron, Bosch-Rexroth, Lenze, acontis, etc.). EC-Inspector analyzes the complete data traffic between the master and the EtherCAT slaves via a TAP (Test Access Point) device. The TAP is recommended to be placed between the master and the first slave, but it can also be installed between any two slave devices. By using EC-Inspector you can benefit from a lot of advantages like: No integration with an existing master controller required…

  • Software

    Windows Real-time Hypervisor Update V7.1.1

    acontis technologies has recently updated its Windows Real-time extension and Hypervisor products to version V7.1.1. The acontis Hypervisor solutions enable customer running deterministic hard Real-time applications alongside Windows 10. The acontis product family offers various solutions to cover different customer requirements: EC-Win: Windows Real-time EtherCAT solution. See also: https://www.acontis.com/en/ethercat-windows-realtime.html LxWin: Windows Real-time extension and Hypervisor supporting Real-time Linux. See also: https://www.acontis.com/en/windows-realtime.html and https://www.acontis.com/en/windows-linux-realtime.html VxWin: Windows Real-time Hypervisor supporting VxWorks See also: https://www.acontis.com/en/vxworks-hypervisor.html RTOS32Win: Windows Real-time extension and Hypervisor supporting On Time RTOS-32 See also: https://www.acontis.com/en/on-time-rtos-32.html CeWin: Windows Real-time extension and Hypervisor supporting Windows CE Microsoft has ended the ability to cross-sign drivers. Cross-signing of drivers is required by any Windows 64-bit OS prior to Windows 10.…

  • Software

    LxWin 7.1 with 64 Bit RT-Linux support released

    . acontis technologies has released the new version 7.1 of its leading LxWin real-time extension. LxWin 7.1 now support 64 Bit real-time Linux in addition to 32 Bit. This enables customer to shift their real-time applications to the next level. Increased performance on integer as well as floating point operations will increase overall performance as well as minimize application jitter. Additional benefits are enhanced security as the 64 bit Linux kernel is more actively maintained compared to the 32 bit version. Using 64 Bit Linux, in the future, it will be possible to simply utilize memory above the 4 GByte limit without the need to adjust the application as it…

  • Software

    Why RT-Linux is the Best Solution for Adding Real-time Capabilities to Windows

    More and more applications, especially in the Industrial Automation, Medical and Data Acquisition and Measurement Markets require deterministic real-time behavior. Windows does not natively support a real-time deterministic operation. However, there are many so called “Windows real-time extensions” that can provide developers with a solution to take full advantage of Windows functionality while still preserving the real-time requirements of their application. Below one can find a guideline for customers with the need for running real-time applications on Windows: Windows and Real-time: Background Background information about the Windows and Real-time Operating Systems Requirements for Real-time Behavior in Windows What must be considered if Real-time applications shall run on Windows Windows Real-time…

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