• Software

    We increase your battery value with our AI-powered Battery Performance Prediction

    Nowadays, a lot of people think of switching to battery technology. People are more concerned about the environment as well as cost. The use of AI in battery technology has proven to be one of the solutions to reduce cost and environmental damage and our EDI hive IoT Framework has been used by different kinds of customers in the area of battery testing, development and monitoring. We predict, test and monitor the performance of batteries before it started to slip and how it would perform in the future. We also develop the battery for our customer’s electric vehicles. Predicting battery accurately is important for electric vehicles since it’s crucial to ensure that it operates safely…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für We increase your battery value with our AI-powered Battery Performance Prediction
  • Fahrzeugbau / Automotive

    We keep you safe on the road with our dynamic risk management.

    Driving is considered a high-risk activity. It involves not only the driver but also the surroundings on the street including pedestrians. The situation on the street is sometimes not as expected and the movement of people is sometimes unpredictable. Looking at the number of accidents, EDI GmbH decided to analyse critical incidents in traffic, especially focusing on the driver’s decision-making process in those situations and the behavior of pedestrians and cyclists in critical situations. In this Dynamic Risk Management, we combine human situation awareness with machine precision for safer and robust driving in unstructured situations. To reduce the number of crashes and incidents, EDI GmbH, IPG Automotive GmbH, University of Stuttgart and Fraunhofer…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für We keep you safe on the road with our dynamic risk management.