• Events

    Multi-temporal Data Vault 2.0 (Schulung | Online)

    OVERVIEW This class is a 2-day intensive course that builds on top of the Data Vault 2.0 Boot Camp. Therefore, the attendance of the Data Vault 2.0 Boot Camp is a requirement for this class. A passed CDVP2 certification is not required but strongly recommended. The objective of this class is to provide attendees the concepts of multi-temporal data warehousing and the foundation to develop such solutions on their own in a Data Vault 2.0-based enterprise data warehouse. To achieve this goal, various timelines and perspectives are discussed before specific patterns for multi-active, real-time and other scenarios are provided.  MAJOR TOPICS Introduction to different timelines Temporality in EDW’s Temporal SQL functions and performance considerations…

  • Events

    Introduction to Data Vault 2.0 (Schulung | Online)

    OVERVIEW This 1-day introductory class explains Data Vault 2.0 and all its pillars to a general audience. It helps business analysts and managers, involved in an agile data warehouse project based on Data Vault 2.0, to understand the principles and decisions made. This class generally helps to increase management support of Data Vault 2.0 projects by explaining concepts such as managed self-service Business Intelligence, agile delivery of functionality, and agile requirements management. The amount of content in this class is equal to the content covered on the first day of the Boot Camp. AGENDA COMPUTER BASED TRAINING, ON-LINE ONLY What is Data Vault 2.0? DV1.0 Compared to DV2.0 Issues Faced…

  • Events

    Data Vault 2.0 Boot Camp and Certification – Hannover (Schulung | Hannover)

    OVERVIEW Learning how to use Data Vault and become certified Discussing business justifications and technical descriptions of all pillars of Data Vault 2.0 Exploring the architecture, implementation, methodology, and modeling components of Data Vault 2.0 Understanding ETL design paradigms – working templates within conceptual and SQL formats Developing best practices for successful Data Vault 2.0 implementations AGENDA COMPUTER BASED TRAINING, ON-LINE ONLY What is Data Vault 2.0? DV1.0 Compared to DV2.0 Issues Faced Today Data Vault 2.0 In Business Managed Self-Service BI Agile Delivery and DV2.0 Methodology Agile Requirements Gathering Technical Numbering Roles and Releases Architecture Components DAY 1 What is Data Vault 2.0?  Business Vault Information Marts defined Data…

  • Events

    Data Vault 2.0 Boot Camp and Certification (Schulung | Online)

    OVERVIEW Learning how to use Data Vault and become certified Discussing business justifications and technical descriptions of all pillars of Data Vault 2.0 Exploring the architecture, implementation, methodology, and modeling components of Data Vault 2.0 Understanding ETL design paradigms – working templates within conceptual and SQL formats Developing best practices for successful Data Vault 2.0 implementations AGENDA COMPUTER BASED TRAINING, ON-LINE ONLY What is Data Vault 2.0? DV1.0 Compared to DV2.0 Issues Faced Today Data Vault 2.0 In Business Managed Self-Service BI Agile Delivery and DV2.0 Methodology Agile Requirements Gathering Technical Numbering Roles and Releases Architecture Components DAY 1 What is Data Vault 2.0?  Business Vault Information Marts defined Data…

  • Events

    Data Vault 2.0 Boot Camp and Certification – Brussels (Schulung | Bruxelles)

    OVERVIEW Learning how to use Data Vault and become certified Discussing business justifications and technical descriptions of all pillars of Data Vault 2.0 Exploring the architecture, implementation, methodology, and modeling components of Data Vault 2.0 Understanding ETL design paradigms – working templates within conceptual and SQL formats Developing best practices for successful Data Vault 2.0 implementations AGENDA COMPUTER BASED TRAINING, ON-LINE ONLY What is Data Vault 2.0? DV1.0 Compared to DV2.0 Issues Faced Today Data Vault 2.0 In Business Managed Self-Service BI Agile Delivery and DV2.0 Methodology Agile Requirements Gathering Technical Numbering Roles and Releases Architecture Components DAY 1 What is Data Vault 2.0?  Business Vault Information Marts defined Data…

  • Events

    Data Dreamland (Konferenz | Online)

    Welcome to the Data Dreamland Have you often wondered: How do I bring my company forward with the help of a data warehouse? How do I use the data warehouse in the most business-oriented and efficient way? How do I get the best out of my data as easily as possible and in real time? What strategies are there and how promising are they? What do success stories look like? These and many more questions will be discussed in this 2-days event filled with workshops, presentations, discussions and networking opportunities. DATE: November 9th & 10th, 2021 LOCATION: ONLINE TICKETS here   Tuesday, November 9th: 8:30 Event kick-off 9:00 Michael Olschimke – „Self-service for Business Professionals“…

  • Ausbildung / Jobs

    Auszubildende verstärken erstmals das Team der Scalefree International GmbH

    Zum 1. September starteten zwei Auszubildende als Kauffrauen für Büromanagement bei der Scalefree International GmbH. Das Hannoveraner Unternehmen ist stolz sich nun Ausbildungsbetrieb nennen zu können und freut sich darüber die zukünftigen Fachkräfte willkommen zu heißen.  In den kommenden Jahren werden die beiden Auszubildenden die Prozesse der Büroorganisation kennenlernen und dabei auch in die einzelnen Abteilungen wie HR/Recruiting, Controlling/Buchhaltung und vieles mehr eintauchen. Die Auszubildenden ergänzen das Nachwuchsteam um 10 Werkstudenten:innen und Praktikanten:innen und werden Scalefree tatkräftig unterstützen.  An ihren Einführungstagen erhielten die Nachwuchskräfte erste Einblicke in die Struktur des Unternehmens. Sie erfuhren viel Wissenswertes über die Organisation und lernten bereits einige Ihrer neuen Kollegen:innen kennen. “Ein weiterer Meilenstein im…

  • Events

    Data Vault 2.0 Boot Camp and Certification (Schulung | Online)

    OVERVIEW Learning how to use Data Vault and become certified Discussing business justifications and technical descriptions of all pillars of Data Vault 2.0 Exploring the architecture, implementation, methodology, and modeling components of Data Vault 2.0 Understanding ETL design paradigms – working templates within conceptual and SQL formats Developing best practices for successful Data Vault 2.0 implementations AGENDA COMPUTER BASED TRAINING, ON-LINE ONLY What is Data Vault 2.0? DV1.0 Compared to DV2.0 Issues Faced Today Data Vault 2.0 In Business Managed Self-Service BI Agile Delivery and DV2.0 Methodology Agile Requirements Gathering Technical Numbering Roles and Releases Architecture Components DAY 1 What is Data Vault 2.0?  Business Vault Information Marts defined Data…

  • Events

    Data Warehouse Automation – Build or Buy? (Webinar | Online)

    In this free webinar, we take a sneak peek into one of the hot topics of modern data warehousing, namely Data Warehouse Automation. We would break down the basics of DW automation & how it has brought about a cultural shift in the realm of a modern Data Warehouse & its architecture. In this regard, we will also touch upon the often asked question „Build or buy“ along with sharing our experience working with several customers who have benefited immensely from automation and the key lessons we have learned as part of our overall DW automation journey. This webinar is for anyone who loves Data! Speaking will be Suhita Dutta,…

  • Events

    Was macht ein BI Berater? – Skills & Tasks (Webinar | Online)

    Was machen Berater:innen eigentlich? Es gibt viele Vorurteile und Mythen, die sich um klassische Business Intelligence Berater:innen ranken, aber stimmen sie auch? In diesem Webinar lernt ihr wie der Job als BI Berater:in in der Praxis aussieht. Wir zeigen einen kompletten Werdegang von Werkstudenten:in bis zum Senior Berater:in. Erfahrt hier welche Voraussetzungen ihr mitbringen solltet, welche Aufgaben typisch sind und welche Möglichkeiten der beruflichen und persönlichen Entwicklung es gibt. Eventdatum: Mittwoch, 21. Juli 2021 15:00 – 16:00 Eventort: Online Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung: Scalefree International GmbHBahnhofstraße 830159 HannoverTelefon: +49 (511) 879-89341Telefax: +49 (511) 879-89341http://www.scalefree.com Weiterführende Links Zum Event Originalinserat von Scalefree International GmbH Alle Events von Scalefree International GmbH…