• Medizintechnik

    Patent-Award for stimOS´ implant surface functionalization

    South-Germany Legal Manufacturer, R&D and material science company, stimOS GmbH has received a notice of allowance from the German Patent and Trademark office (Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt) for additional patents and intelligent property protection of their patented, innovative Mimicking Bone Technology (MBT). This publication by the German Patent and Trademark office was good reason for stimOS’ unique technology, to be chosen as “patent of the week” by the editors of DeviceMed publications. (https://www.devicemed.de/material-fuer-ein-knochenimplantat-a-999466/) “The medical technology industry is a leader in patent applications, and every week, the DeviceMed editorial team selects it’s “Patent of the Week” from the many submissions to the German Patent and Trademark office”, states the editorial…

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