• Allgemein

    Tentamus Group Expands in Iberian Peninsula with FreeLAB Acquisition

    FreeLAB Laboratory, specialized in Environmental and Food Health, joins Tentamus Group. It is an authorized laboratory by the Generalitat de Catalunya. It offers a wide range of accredited analytical services focused on environmental management and analysis, water and food analysis. With more than 17 years of business experience, FreeLAB is a benchmark laboratory in Legionella analysis, collaborating with many companies nationwide to whom they offer personalized attention 365 days a year. FreeLAB has a wide range of analytical services focused on the food and environmental sectors. In addition, among the services most in demand by its clients are environmental audits (CAI), training courses for pool maintainers, training courses for the…

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  • Firmenintern

    bilacon opens a new location in Croatia

    bilacon – a Tentamus company – has opened a new laboratory in Zagreb, Croatia, in December 2023. The new facility is set to respond to the specific needs and requirements of its customers in the region. It will offer efficient processing of analyses, with a strong focus on flexibility to answer the needs of different industries. The lab is equipped with the latest technology to ensure its results are accurate and reliable. It offers a wide range of services, including instrumental analysis—covering aspects such as MCPD esters, glycidyl esters, mineral oil hydrocarbons, minerals, mycotoxins, omega-3 fatty acids, pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and veterinary drug residues—and microbiology, focusing on…

  • Firmenintern

    Veltia Gr has successfully completed the acquisition of SEVITEL’s Organoleptic Assessment Laboratory for Virgin Olive Oils

    The VELTIA Labs for Life® Laboratory Group, a member of the Tentamus® and Redestos Groups, has announced another expansion of its operations within Greece as part of its ongoing development strategy. Specifically, SEVITEL’s Organoleptic Assessment Laboratory for Virgin Olive Oils based in Athens has been incorporated into the VELTIA Labs for Life® Group of Laboratories. SEVITEL’s Organoleptic Assessment Laboratory for Virgin Olive Oils is accredited by the National Accreditation System (ESYD) and recognized by the International Olive Council (IOC). Additionally, in collaboration with Hellenic Food Authority (EFET), it participates in appeal tests for virgin olive oils. During an event held on Wednesday, March 27th, 2024 alongside the handover ceremony, Mr.…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Veltia Gr has successfully completed the acquisition of SEVITEL’s Organoleptic Assessment Laboratory for Virgin Olive Oils
  • Forschung und Entwicklung

    Agronomic Analysis of soils according to MINISTERIAL DECREE 13 September 1999 SO n 185 GU n 248 21/10/1999

      The analysis of soil for agronomic purposes is useful for the defining fertility and providing fertilization recommendations. A correct and balanced supply of fertilizers allows first to contain production costs and then to obtain the maximum yield from crops. The starting point is therefore the chemical-physical analysis of the soil, which allows us to evaluate the availability of the elements, the relationships between them and the presence of factors that modify their availability. The supply of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium can be easily estimated by comparing the analytical results with comparative tables. An element may be present in good quantities but not be available for crops that…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Agronomic Analysis of soils according to MINISTERIAL DECREE 13 September 1999 SO n 185 GU n 248 21/10/1999
  • Forschung und Entwicklung

    BluTest Laboratories Expands Services to Include Efficacy Testing of Nucleic Acid Cleaners

    BluTest Laboratories, a leading Contract Research Organisation, is pleased to announce that it is now able to offer bespoke studies based on established protocols investigating the efficacy of nucleic acid cleaners. In response to increasing demand from clients across industries, BluTest Laboratories now offers cutting-edge services designed to assess DNA/RNA degradation and evaluate the effectiveness of nucleic acid cleaners used in the molecular industry. The new Efficacy Testing of Nucleic Acid Cleaners service covers: Products designed to remove and inactivate nucleic acids from molecular workspaces. Support for several industries that may be affected by contamination in their molecular work. Support for new product development or validation of established in-house cleaning…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für BluTest Laboratories Expands Services to Include Efficacy Testing of Nucleic Acid Cleaners
  • Firmenintern

    Tentamus Group announces new CEO

    Tentamus Group, a leading company in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and agri-science industries, is delighted to announce a change in its management team from April 1, 2024. This change marks a significant milestone in the development of the company and reflects the commitment to growth and innovation of the entire group. The current leaders and co-founders Dr. Jochen P. Zoller and Mr. Abgar Barseyten will now hand over their role as joint CEO’s and move into their new positions as Chairman and Board Member respectively.  They will focus on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and continue to bring their proven market presence and strategic skills, providing significant contributions to exceeding Tentamus…

  • Firmenintern

    Tentamus Group ernennt neuen CEO

    Die Tentamus Group, ein führendes Unternehmen in der Lebensmittel-, Pharmazeutika-, Kosmetik- und Agrarwissenschaftsbranche, verkündet mit großer Freude die Veränderung in der Geschäftsführung (CEO) zum 1. April 2024. Diese Veränderung markiert einen bedeutenden Meilenstein in der Entwicklung des Unternehmens und spiegelt das Engagement für Wachstum und Innovation der gesamten Gruppe wider. Die derzeitigen CEO’s und Gründer Dr. Jochen P. Zoller und Abgar Barseyten werden ihre Aufgabe als CEO‘s nun weitergeben und sich ausschließlich auf den Bereich Fusionen und Akquisitionen (M&A) in ihrer Rolle als Chairman und Board Member der Tentamus Group konzentrieren. Ihre bewährte Marktpräsenz und ihr strategisches Geschick werden einen wesentlichen Beitrag dazu leisten die Wachstumsziele der Tentamus Group zu…

  • Allgemein

    VelaLabs newest addition to keep pushing beyond limits

    VelaLabs is soon to be a proud owner of a state-of-the-art aseptic isolator from Block®, used for sterility testing. This ensures continued analytical services to the highest available standards possible. On 25nd of August 2023, a year after its publication, Annex 1 to the Guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practice for medicinal products came into force. This new addition to the regulatory framework governs the manufacturing of sterile products and includes regulations on operating isolators in cleanroom environments. To stay abreast of current GxP rules, VelaLabs is upgrading its device fleet with a new aseptic isolator, able to disinfect its internal environment as well as the samples using hydrogen peroxide gas…

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  • Allgemein

    VelaLabs modernisiert mit einem aseptischen Isolator seine Ausstattung

    VelaLabs stattet seine Einrichtungen mit einem modernen aseptischen Isolators von Block® für Sterilitätstests aus. Dies gewährleistet weiterhin analytische Dienstleistungen nach höchstmöglichen Standards. Am 25. August 2023, ein Jahr nach seiner Veröffentlichung, trat Anhang 1 zu den Richtlinien für die Gute Herstellungspraxis für Arzneimittel in Kraft. Diese neue Ergänzung zum regulatorischen Rahmenwerk regelt die Herstellung steriler Produkte und beinhaltet Vorschriften für den Betrieb von Isolatoren in Reinraumumgebungen. Um mit den aktuellen GxP-Regeln Schritt zu halten, rüstet VelaLabs seinen Gerätepark mit einem neuen aseptischen Isolator auf, der in der Lage ist, sein internes Umfeld sowie die Proben mit Wasserstoffperoxidgas (H2O2) zu desinfizieren. Dies garantiert eine gründlichere Sterilisation, die ein präzises analytisches Ergebnis…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für VelaLabs modernisiert mit einem aseptischen Isolator seine Ausstattung
  • Biotechnik

    Echter Wasabi im Produkt?

    Wasabi ist mit einem Preis von 140 bis 300 Euro pro Kilo eine der teuersten Gemüsearten der Welt. Er stammt, wie sein lateinischer Name besagt (Eutrema japonicum), aus Japan. Mit dem heimischen Meerrettich (Armoracia rusticana) ist er nicht besonders nah verwandt; beide Pflanzen gehören jedoch zur Familie der Kreuzblütler (Brassicaceae). Produkte, die als Wasabi angeboten werden, bestehen oft hauptsächlich aus einer Mischung aus dem hiesigen Meerrettich, Senfpulver sowie Farbstoffen, die die als typisch wahrgenommene Wasabifarbe (stechend grün) erzeugen sollen. Tatsächlich ist echter Wasabi eher blassgrün, und er muss frisch gerieben werden. Nach maximal einer halben Stunde verliert er sein besonderes Aroma. Viele dieser Produkte dürfen dennoch als Wasabi bezeichnet werden…