• Netzwerke

    umlaut Launches “5G Campus Lab,” an Open RAN Private Network to Accelerate the Development of Connectivity Solutions for Clients

    AACHEN, Germany; June 30, 2022 – umlaut, part of Accenture (NYSE: ACN), has opened a private 5G standalone, Open RAN network in Aachen, Germany. The “5G Campus Lab” enables companies across industries to design, test and implement ultra-high-speed and low-latency connectivity solutions faster without having to invest in building their own network. Powerful wireless connectivity is becoming increasingly important as companies are heading towards a total enterprise reinvention, which will transform every part of their business through technology, data and artificial intelligence. Some examples of this transformation include connected vehicles and bringing robotics and cloud-based automation solutions to factories, which will generate massive amounts of data and put enormous pressure on…

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