• Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    New study of the Russian wind power market shows: Russia has made important progress, time to accelerate wind power deployment

    After the Paris agreement has entered into force, the world is moving towards climate neutrality. Many countries including China, the USA and the European Union, have officially declared their goal to reach climate neutrality in the coming decades. Russia hasn’t officially declared this goal yet, but it has shown promising signs with the ratification of the Paris agreement and several roadmaps, e.g regarding the future of energy or hydrogen. As the energy sector is the primary source of greenhouse gas, this will have a deep impact on the way the world uses energy, and it will drive the switch towards renewable energy. While some countries, including China or Germany, have…

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  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Renewables are Ready to Deliver a Renewable World: Time for Action for 100% Renewable Energy Globally

    Renewable energy organisations representing different spheres of the renewable energy community have gathered today on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima nuclear accident to emphasise that renewable energies are not only available in abundance but ready to deliver a renewable world. Online: https://wwindea.org/wweawebinar-on-10-march-ten-years-after-fukushima-renewables-are-ready-to-deliver-a-renewable-world/  The combination of all renewable technologies, be it bioenergy, geothermal energy, hydropower, ocean energy, solar energy or wind power, in particular in combination with storage options, can satisfy all energy needs of mankind, be it for power, heating/cooling, transportation, or industrial processes.    Renewables have seen tremendous growth rates and cost reduction over the past two decades, but there are…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Study on community energy in Germany and Japan: More men than women

    The first results of a survey of community energy entities in Germany and Japan show that the shareholders in such projects are predominantly male. In the companies surveyed in North Rhine-Westphalia, the proportion of women among the shareholders is 29%, who hold 27% of the shares. Japanese community energy entities also have a share of women of below 30%. In view of the importance of community energy for a successful, broadly socially anchored energy transformation, these results indicate that the dynamism of the energy transition can be strengthened if more women can be attracted to assume an active role in community energy.  A two-year study, which is carried out jointly…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Studie zur Bürgerenergie in Deutschland und Japan: Mehr Männer als Frauen

    Erste Ergebnisse einer Befragung von Bürgerenergie-Gesellschaften in Deutschland und Japan zeigen, dass die Anteilseigner*innen bei solchen Projekten vorwiegend männlich sind. Bei den in Nordrhein-Westfalen befragten Gesellschaften liegt der Anteil der Frauen bei den Anteilseigner*innen bei 29%, die 27% der Anteile halten. Auch japanische Bürgerenergiegesellschaften weisen einen Frauenanteil von unter 30% auf. Angesichts der Bedeutung von Bürgerenergie für eine erfolgreiche, breit sozial verankerte Energiewende deuten diese Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass die Dynamik der Energiewende verstärkt werden kann, wenn mehr Frauen für eine aktive Rolle in der Bürgerenergie gewonnen werden können. Eine auf zwei Jahre ausgelegten Studie, die gemeinsamen von der World Wind Energy Association und dem Landesverband Erneuerbare Energien LEE NRW…

  • Firmenintern

    Community Energy Working Group of the IRENA Coalition for Action sets the Course for 2021

    During its Annual Strategy Meeting, the IRENA Coalition for Action took the key decisions for its activities in the year 2021. As an important part of the coalition, the Community Energy Working Group adopted its work programme 2021 already one week earlier. Stefan Gsänger, WWEA Secretary General, Krisztina Andre from the German community energy alliance Bündnis Bürgerenergie, and Shota Furuya, ISEP Japan, were elected as co-chairs of the group.  Stefan Gsänger: “I am honoured to be re-elected as co-chair of the community energy working group. Also thanks to our work in the group, the active role of citizens and communities is increasingly recognised by international organisations and governments as a…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    World Wind Power Deployment: Some Delays in 2020 due to Covid-19, but Bright Future Prospects

    As part of three #WWEAwebinars on Asia / Australia, Europe / MENA / Africa and America, experts from around the world presented the status of wind power in their countries during the year 2020, and in particular in light of the impact of the global Covid-19 pandemic.  Overall the speakers, almost without exception, confirmed that the pandemic is having an impact on developments and on new installations this year, and that there are many delays in different phases of project implementation. The delays are mainly caused by interruptions of international supply chains, non-availability of the workforce due to hygienic rules but also due to permission procedures which take longer than…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    New Study: Women in Community Energy

    Existing studies indicate that women are very active in the environmental and climate movement, but that they are underrepresented in the area of community energy. WWEA and LEE NRW are therefore investigating the role of women in renewable energies in a new study. The World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) wants to examine the role of women in renewable energies in cooperation with the Association for Renewable Energy of the German State North Rhine-Westphalia-Landesverband Erneuerbare Energien NRW (LEE NRW). Studies to date indicate that women are particularly active in the environmental and climate movement, but tend to be underrepresented in community energy. Accordingly, community energy as a central component of the…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Neue Studie: Frauen in der Energiewende

    Bisherige Studien weisen darauf hin, dass Frauen in der Umwelt- und Klimabewegung sehr aktiv, im Bereich der Bürgerenergie aber unterrepräsentiert sind. WWEA und der LEE NRW untersuchen daher in einer neuen Studie die Rolle von Frauen bei den Erneuerbaren Energien. Die World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) will in Kooperation mit dem Landesverband Erneuerbare Energien NRW (LEE NRW) die Rolle von Frauen bei den Erneuerbaren Energien untersuchen. Bisherige Studien deuten darauf hin, dass Frauen vor allem in der Umwelt- und Klimabewegung sehr aktiv, in der Bürgerenergie aber tendenziell unterrepräsentiert sind. Im Zentrum der neuen Studie der beiden Verbände wird die Bürgerenergie als zentraler Bestandteil der dezentralen Energiewende stehen. „Die Energiewende hat…

  • Energie- / Umwelttechnik

    Stimulating investments in sector coupling and innovation

    On the occasion of this year’s 20th anniversary of the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), the Berlin-based Think-and-Do Tank Energy Watch Group (EWG) presents a legislative proposal to stimulate the system integration of renewable energy. The underlying purpose of the policy proposal is to allow renewable energy sources to finally assume responsibility for the system security of the power supply – i.e. to cover the required energy demand at every hour of the year. With a so-called combined power plant tariff, the instrument intends to stimulate investments for full demand coverage by 100% renewable energy. Based on own techno-economic cost estimates and a legal examination of EU regulations, the…