ZWF Customs 4.0 – Ready to cloud with Infor LN
ZWF shipments and export processes can now be integrated with LN CE. If the appropriate software licences have been activated, ZWF AG Shipments and Customs is available as an entry in the Infor LN menu under Common. The new tz package is used to handle the ZWF functionality.
These ZWF modules are actual available in LN CE:
- ZWF AG Generic Solutions
- ZWF AG Shipment Module
- ZWF AG Customs Module
- ZWF AG Sanction List Screening
The Shipment Module provides an intuitive way to create shipment information. You can create packages, select their contents based on multiple LN CE documents such as sales orders, shipments, and invoices, and merge them into one shipment. All available data is automatically collected from the LN CE documents in your shipment. Within shipments, customizable workflows can be used to guide you through the process of creating a shipment, including packing, sending out reports, etc. With the shipment module, all relevant shipping data can be created within minutes, and shipment data (weights, packaging structures, measurements) can be refined without requiring access to the LN CE master data. All required data is collected in one session.
The Customs Module provides an easy way to create basic export declarations, accumulation by commodity codes, separation of main and additional package positions, and automated creation of customs document codes based on the item and commodity code information. The export processes collect data from LN CE and merge this data with templates and customs code lists to automatically create (German) ATLAS export declarations. Customs declarations are sent to the customs authorities using web-based interfaces. Return information is read into LN CE. You can manage the export allowance, which is used for further checks, and the code lists. These lists can be automatically read and updated when they are updated by the customs authorities.
All companies, but especially holders of an authorised export or other customs authorisation, are required to take an active part in the fight against terrorism. All your trading partners as well as your staff and sometimes even your visitors must be subject to such a sanctions list check. Smart and intelligent sanction list processes, directly out of Infor LN CE, do the job. Here are just a few facts: Check against daily sanctions lists, automatic updates of all sanctions lists, time-controlled master data comparison to check existing business contacts, simple manual individual checks, E-mail-controlled notification of the defined group of people as well as complete and unalterable documentation.
Soon available: ZWF Export Control and ZWF Preference Calculation – Spring 2021
ZWF IT + Consulting AG
Untertürkheimer Str. 24
66117 Saarbrücken
Telefon: +49 (681) 929-0
Telefax: +49 (681) 929-1005