
Outstanding achievement: Accent Award 2021 for our training

The awards are presented in the categories of safety, training, employee recruitment, diversity and employee satisfaction. The jury consists of experts with many years of experience in these areas.

This year we are very proud that our team Ternat was rewarded for its continuous efforts. SANHA Fittings received the award in the category "Training". We attach great importance to this area in particular. In this way, we give our employees the opportunity to develop fully in their job, to become the best version of themselves and – of course! – to have fun in what they do.

Numerous activities

"To achieve this, we have, for example, set up an internal learning platform," explains Mathias Van den Broeck, responsible for Business Development and Product Management. "Here, employees can continuously educate themselves, explore and learn about everything from products to other departments, and present relevant information themselves. New employees are also mentored by an experienced colleague who "takes them under his or her wing" and fully prepares them for the new tasks.

Anouk Lagae, CEO at Accent Awards: "At Accent, we have been focusing for years on issues that we believe can make today’s job market better. It makes me proud and optimistic to see how many companies today are working on topics like safety, training, innovative recruitment, diversity and job satisfaction."

Accent is an unusual Belgian recruitment company that helps applicants to find a job that satisfies them in every way and is located as close to home as possible. The job choices range from jobs in construction and logistics to jobs in administration, technology and IT. In addition, Accent only offers jobs that have a good perspective of becoming a permanent employee.

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45219 Essen
Telefon: +49 (2054) 925-0
Telefax: +49 (2054) 925-250

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