• Software

    Rapid Cross-Platform Scalability with High Fidelity Graphics: iWave, Xilinx and DiSTI bring the best in breed turnkey solution to the embedded market

    Through a collaboration with The DiSTI Corporation, the leading provider of User Interface Design and Development Software GL Studio®, iWave Systems is excited to provide feature-rich System on Modules and HMI Solutions enabling customers across Medical, Industrial and Automotive domains to build high-quality graphical user interfaces bringing end products and concepts to life.   iWave Systems, a global leader in the design and manufacture of System on Modules, has integrated GL Studio across the portfolio of Xilinx® Zynq® UltraScale+™ MPSoC System on Modules. iWave ensures scalability of the system on modules across the Xilinx MPSoC Series ranging from ZU2 to ZU19. At the same time, the software from DiSTI promises efficient runtime performance and code-reliability guaranteeing customers’ scalability…

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