• Software

    Autodesk audit – what do experts advise?

    Software audits and especially Autodesk audits (also called Autodesk license audits or Autodesk compliance audits) are always very unpleasant for companies. Autodesk is considered to be a very aggressive company in the circles of IT managers and software license managers. Customers often feel that they are being put up against the wall in audits across the board and miss a concrete factual reference or a concrete suspicion that suggests under licensing, as is actually regulated in copyright law. "In almost all software audits that we know of, the assumption is that the reason for the audit is not necessarily a suspected copyright infringement, but rather the desire of the manufacturer…

  • Software

    Autodesk audit – The top 3 tips for companies!

    When a company receives a request for an Autodesk audit (also called an Autodesk license audit), panic often sets in. This is not surprising given the tales making the rounds in license management circles. Autodesk in particular has a reputation for being aggressive when it comes to software audits. Unfortunately, crucial mistakes are then often made at the outset, preventing the companies involved from maneuvering through the audit with little to show for it. Typically, customers first try to buy time in an Autodesk license audit and make commitments they later regret. For example, customers agree to allow surveying of their systems without further review. Data protection requirements, NDAs and…

  • Software

    Autodesk audit – what’s coming up for me?

    When customers receive a request for an Autodesk audit (also called an Autodesk license audit), things often get turbulent. Am I even obligated to do this? What is in store for me? How does an Autodesk audit work? The questions from CIOs and responsible software license managers are endless. The manufacturer Autodesk refers to the license agreement when requesting an Autodesk audit. When the product is installed, these terms of use must be agreed to. In particular, "paragraph 9.7 Audit" is the relevant section in the license agreement. Here Autodesk reserves the right to audit. If non-compliance is discovered, the customer is obligated, from Autodesk’s perspective, to promptly procure licenses…

  • Software

    Autodesk audit – Beware of ScanWin download and execution – AutoCAD audit

    As part of an Autodesk audit (also called Autodesk license audit or Autodesk compliance audit), Autodesk usually requires the use of the ScanWin audit tool. This is used to measure the customer’s deployment and use of Autodesk products. If you are already considering to download and run ScanWin in the Autodesk audit, be careful. You are actually already a bit too far along in the process. First, some other issues should be addressed. In addition to effective confidentiality provisions, it is important to clarify in a legally secure manner at the outset: Which license agreement was concluded between the parties? Is the use of this tool mandatory? Or is it only optional? Only when legal…

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