Kunst & Kultur

Lohengrin Is The Final Production for the WAGNER 22 Festival

When Richard Wagner’s »Lohengrin« at the Oper Leipzig opens on 12 March 2022, it will mark the last of the 13 works for the stage that make up the WAGNER 22 festival. The production will now be led by house stage director Patrick Bialdyga instead by Katharina Wagner, for important and necessary technical adaptations and modifications to the set could not be completed due a lack of time.

Prof. Ulf Schirmer of Oper Leipzig commented, »Together with our cast of superb singers, we’re looking forward to this new artistic team and this major premiere. This date is an important one for us as we work to prepare all of Richard Wagner’s works for the stage for presentation at our festival this summer – a festival that is the only one of its kind in the world.«

Richard Wagner’s opera »Lohengrin« is the story of the futile search for happiness, undertaken by two individuals at odds with their ascribed societal attributes.  The title role will be sung on alternating dates by Klaus Florian Vogt and Martin Muehle, with Gal James and Gabriela Scherer taking on the role of Elsa. Also appearing are Kathrin Göring as Ortrud, with Simon Neal and Tuomas Pursio alternating as Telramund. The Gewandhausorchester will play under the direction of designated Music Director Christoph Gedschold.

Tickets and Visitor Services, Monday-Saturday, 10am – 7pm at the Opera House, service@oper-leipzig.de, Telephone +49 341 1261 261


Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Oper Leipzig
Augustusplatz 12
04109 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 (341) 1261-0
Telefax: +49 (341) 1261-300

Gudula Kienemund
Pressesprecherin der Oper Leipzig
Telefon: +49 (341) 1261-266
Fax: +49 (341) 1261-384
E-Mail: kienemund@oper-leipzig.de
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