Kunst & Kultur

Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation and Goethe-Institut Paris show works by students of Ute Mahler and Marit Herrmann of the Ostkreuzschule Berlin

  • The exhibition “With Each Other” that is part of the exhibition series “La jeune photographie allemande” will be on show from 10 November 2023 to 15 January 2024 at the Goethe-Institut Paris.
  • The series shows ten artistic positions by students of the Ostkreuzschule Berlin.
  • The opening of the group show takes place on Thursday, 9 November 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the Goethe-Institut Paris.
  • press tour will take place on Thursday, 9 November 2023, at 5 p.m. at the Goethe-Institut Paris. 

As part of the exhibition series “La jeune photographie allemande”, this year, students of Ute Mahler and Marit Herrmann of the Ostkreuzschule Berlin are showing photographic works that address forms of togetherness and tackle the question of what connects people today. The exhibition entitled “With Each Other” will open at the Goethe-Institut Paris on 9 November 2023 at 6:30 p.m., during the international photography fair PARIS PHOTO. The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation organises the exhibition series annually in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Paris.

The exhibition comprises photographic positions exploring the tension between community and coexistence. Personal, often biographical works are set against series which provide insights into the longing for new environments and ways of life. Others address the boundaries and challenges of a divided everyday life through themes such as gender and migration.

In their works, the artists supervised by Ute Mahler and Marit Herrmann pick up fundamental phenomena that determine coexistence, such as statelessness, social role models or environmental changes. How does it affect people to live at the foot of an active volcano which could erupt at any time, or how does a couple live together on an otherwise uninhabited island? The photographic images also highlight personal themes such as one’s own adoption experience, transgenerational trauma and the disappearance of jobs and structures due to industrialisation. The wide-ranging aspects of togetherness bear witness to commonalities, basic needs and our concepts of “With Each Other” in all possible forms.

With the exhibition series “La jeune photographie allemande”, the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation and the Goethe-Institut Paris have been promoting young photographers at German universities since 2018, showing current trends in photography. Each year, students from a selected university or academy are invited to present their work in an exhibition at the Goethe-Institut Paris. After a presentation by Martin Liebscher’s photography class at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach (HfG) in 2018 and one by Heidi Specker’s Master’s students at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig (HGB) in 2019, Adam Broomberg’s and Oliver Chanarin’s photography class at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg (HFBK) in 2021 and Beate Gütschow’s photography class at Kunsthochschule für Medien in Cologne in 2022 followed. 

The participating artists are:
Janick Entremont, Bimal Fabbri, Cecilia Gaeta, Max Korndörfer, Elliot Kreyenberg, Mirka Pflüger, Henry Schulz, Jonathan Scotti, Anika Spereiter, Chiara Wettmann 

About the Goethe-Institut Paris
The Goethe-Institut Paris focuses on the presentation of photographic positions from Germany. The aim is to offer a first platform to German artists or artists living in Germany who are still little known in France. The focus is to connect German and French artists, partner institutions and galleries. Special attention is paid to the expansion of the medium of photography and the demonstration of innovative, experimental, and process-oriented approaches. In addition to classical photographic works, exhibitions show video works, sculptures, and installations. www.goethe.de/ins/fr

About the Ostkreuzschule Berlin
The Ostkreuzschule in Berlin offers a profound education in which the photographic vision can be learned and developed. Following basic studies, the focus is on the development of a personal visual language. Documentary, journalistic, or artistic photography genres are differentiated and the interactions between, and knowledge of design theory, history and theory of photography are taught.

Über die Deutsche Börse AG

The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation is a non-profit organisation based in Frankfurt/Main that is dedicated to collecting, exhibiting and promoting contemporary photography. It is responsible for the further development and presentation of the Art Collection Deutsche Börse, which now comprises over 2,300 photographic works by around 160 artists from 33 nations. In its exhibition space in Eschborn near Frankfurt/Main, it shows several exhibitions a year that are open to the public. Supporting young artists is a particular concern of the Foundation. It promotes them in many ways: with awards, scholarships or through participation in the talent programme of the Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam Foam. Together with the Photographers’ Gallery in London, it awards the renowned Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize every year. Furthermore, the Foundation supports exhibition projects of international museums and institutions as well as the development of platforms for academic dialogue and research on the medium of photography.


Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Deutsche Börse AG
Neue Börsenstr. 1
60487 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (69) 211-0
Telefax: +49 (69) 211-12005

Isabelle Hammer
Telefon: +49 (69) 21117014
E-Mail: media.foundation@deutsche-boerse.com
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