• Ausbildung / Jobs

    GOOD INTERNSHIP – what does it mean?

    If you are considering a career in IT, you have come to the right place. This article was written for people like you! For years, we have been helping students take first steps in programming. So far, we have organized seven editions of internship programmes. Over 100 people attended our internship, of whom around 40% decided to join us!  In 2023, as many as 10 of our interns cut their teeth on Java, Android, iOS, Frontend. They are the ones who decided to share their experience with you, answering the searching questions they wish they could have answered before the internship! GOOD INTERNSHIP – what does it mean? Maciek: It is…

  • Ausbildung / Jobs

    Challenges That Lie Ahead Us

    The interview with our CEO, Pawel Midon, was brimming with questions about Convista Poland’s future. It was a space to delve into the challenges lying ahead of our company, teams, projects and the market. However, it was not just about questions; it also offered comprehensive answers on our strategy.  Wioleta Patkowska (HR Manager): What challenges await us in the foreseeable future? Paweł Midoń (CEO): I will list the three most significant ones, but please note that this is just a start. Brace yourself for what is coming! 1. Digitalisation. If an insured person wants to go for rehabilitation, they usually approach a doctor. If they suffer from a complex disease, they need to contact the Health Care Fund…

  • Ausbildung / Jobs

    Convista Poland history from CEO perspective

    Wioleta Patkowska (HR Manager): Could you tell me how it all started? Paweł Midoń (CEO): It started in the year when the first iPhone was released. It’s good that I didn’t know what I know now: how much the world of IT and technology would change. I thought I could create a company that would give customers and employees something exceptional: something they really needed. Today I know it’s called User Experience. But let’s start at the beginning. While working as an IT consultant, I noticed that: Customers expect a real understanding of their needs. They do not want to be put in the standard table (compartmentalisation). Clients do not want to work with a consultant from Company X, but with a person who has a name, surname, face, and competences:…

  • Ausbildung / Jobs

    Managerial practices in the eyes of employees

      Wioleta Patkowska, HR Manager: Let me start by asking you about an exceptional manager who played a role in your professional career. Who were they? Agata Bandych (HR Specialist): An expert I could trust because they knew what they were doing and did not stumble in their work. Even if I didn’t agree with something, I could back off because I trusted their competence and knew there was a greater purpose behind their decisions that I may not have yet understood. They also never gave me the impression that they were too busy to talk to me. Every time I needed help, they did their best to be available. Malwina Nagórska (SAP Architect and Coach): A leader with a human face. They were able to admit that they didn’t get something…

  • Software

    How to create reusable components in SAPUI5 and is it worth it?

      Introduction Fiori allows to create different types of applications – using Fiori Elements or simply Freestyle applications. However, we often want to use a piece of code from one application in another. In such a situation, is copying a piece of that code into the other application the only solution? Not necessarily! In Fiori SAPUI5, it is possible to create reusable components. Reusable components SAP provides ready-made SAP UI5 libraries with numerous components that can be used in the rapid development of applications using the SAPUI5 framework. The SAPUI5 sap.m library is the most widely used library with responsive controls for developing both browser and mobile applications. There are also other libraries that can be used in addition, such as sap.ui.comp with smart controls or sap.ui.layout with layout controls. There…

  • Software

    Universal Automation Centre (UAC) by Stonebranch

    Universal Automation Centre (UAC) is a business process automation platform offered by Stonebranch. UAC integrates disparate systems and applications to automate business processes, creating a consistent environment managed with automation using a scripting language. It allows to move files, run tasks, generate reports, send notifications and conduct many other automated processes. Universal Controller is a Java web application running in a Tomcat container that acts as both a task scheduler and a load automation broker within the Universal Automation Centre platform. This application provides a user interface for creating, monitoring and configuring controller information and is responsible for the scheduling logic and synchronisation of most High Availability operations within a cluster that consists of two or more controller instances in a redundant system. UAC interface Look at…

  • Software

    Basic-Auth is deprecated. How about OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect?

    In this article, you will learn the basics of the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework and a simple identity layer which located on top of the framework – OpenID Connect. Introduction Before OAuth, the common pattern for granting access to an external application’s account was to simply give it your password and let it act as a you. Communication always consisted of entering the user’s password in the application and then using it to get access to a particular service with data. Thus, the application was given access to the entire user account, even though in truth it only needed access to part of it – the scope was much broader than realistically needed. Once the application has obtained the user’s password, it is granted…

  • Software

    OAuth, SAML, OpenID – Managing Authentication for Multiple Platforms

    Nowadays security has become more important than ever. Implementing the right standards is required for applications to grant access to resources in an expected way. Oftentimes instead of implementing your own solutions, it is possible to apply proven standards that the industry has been using for years.  This approach might yield numerous benefits, such as: the economy of time; hassle-free implementation due to broadly available documentation; much easier solving of problems as communities using the same solutions are keen on sharing their knowledge, in most cases continuous support and adaptation to changing standards; and above all, the safety of using a proven, tested solution. Therefore, should you be interested in ready-made standards and management of authorisation for many platforms, it is worth…

  • Software

    Creating Users Dashboard with SwiftUI

    In this article, you’ll learn the basics of the SwiftUI framework, which was created in 2019 by Apple and is now gaining on popularity, slowly replacing UIKit in building iOS-apps views. We will go through the basic components and build a simple user interface. The final result of our project will look like in the image below. Look at the picture no. 1 Stacks In all views created with SwiftUI, we can observe one basic pattern. Each contains Stacks in three axes: Vertical – VStack, Horizontal – HStack and along the Z-axis – ZStack. They allow us to simply arrange the sub-views and organize them on the screen. With their help we will build the already…

  • Software

    Navigation in Jetpack Compose using Voyager library and ViewModel state

    In this article we will use Voyager library to implement navigation in Jetpack Compose. The navigation will be driven from ViewModel and will use StateFlow for handling one-off navigation events. Why Voyager? The official Google library for navigation suffers from many problems. The main one is usage of URLs for routes and passing parameters. Because of that, every parameter must be manually encoded into String, making it more error-prone and adding a lot of boilerplate code every time a parameter must be converted. Even though version 2.4.0-alpha10 makes it possible to declare custom navigation types, it still requires declaring additional classes and converting values into JSONs. The flaws of official library resulted in many custom solutions, created by the Android community. One of them…