• Software

    eoapp AQUA: Monitoring Water Quality from Space

    While global warming puts severe pressure on water bodies, public authorities and industry must balance their efforts to minimise risks. At the same time, public and private entities need to satisfy growing demands for information on water safety. This calls for efficient monitoring of water quality. For far-sighted monitoring routines, satellite sensors can provide many key parameters in near real-time, which was so far reserved for highly skilled analysts. Now, authorities and industry can gain comprehensive satellite-based information on coastal and inland waters with a few mouse clicks: The cloud-based solution, eoapp AQUA, offers an unprecedented wealth of data and a panoptic view of many water bodies. Users can simply…

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    Harvesting Earth Observation data for offshore renewables: BLUE-X project kicked off to speed up the energy transition

    Seven European partners, including offshore renewable energy and Earth Observation specialists, have teamed up for the BLUE-X project. Together, they will develop a satellite-based decision support tool to accelerate offshore renewable energy deployments.   This is the first ​​blue energy Horizon Europe project funded by the EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA).  More than 75% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the energy sector. The revised ‘Renewable Energy Directive’ of 2023 raises the binding target to almost double the share of renewables within the EU until 2030.   Blue renewable energy sources such as offshore wind, offshore solar, wave and tidal energy have a high and mostly unused potential in times of a changing global energy policy. In…

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  • Software

    EOMAP has been awarded the CASSINI Prize for Digital Space Applications ‘Eyes on Plastic’ helps fight plastic pollution

    At the EU Space Week 2023 in Sevilla, the EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) has announced the winners of the CASSINI Prize for Digital Space Applications: With the new web app ‘Eyes on Plastic’, EOMAP is one of the three awardees. The CASSINI prize, endowed with almost one million Euros each, awards innovative commercial solutions that leverage the EU Space Programme to detect, monitor and remove plastics, microplastics and other litter from our oceans and waterways. ‘Addressing plastic in the ocean starts with identifying and tracking it, which is exactly what each of our winning application is doing, providing essential information for authorities or NGOs’, says Rodrigo da Costa,…

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    EOMAP erhält CASSINI-Preis für ‘Eyes on Plastic’

    Anlässlich der EU Space Week in Sevilla erhielt das deutsche Unternehmen EOMAP einen der hoch dotierten „Cassini Prizes for Digital Space Applications“ für seine Lösung zur Überwachung der Plastikverschmutzung in Gewässern. Mit der Web App „Eyes on Plastic“ lässt sich Plastikmüll in Flüssen- und Küstengebieten tracken. Der mit je einer knappen Million Euro dotierten Preis wurde von der Agentur der Europäischen Union für das Weltraumprogramm (EUSPA) an drei Unternehmen vergeben – darunter EOMAP. Er zeichnet innovative; satellitengestützte Lösungen aus, um Plastik und anderen Müll in Gewässern aufzuspüren, zu beobachten und zu entfernen. „Die Bekämpfung von Plastik im Meer beginnt mit seiner Identifizierung und Beobachtung, und genau das tun alle unsere ausgezeichneten Anwendungen.…

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    Déjà-vu on the river Oder – Ensuring water quality on rivers

    In April and May 2023, for example, the Gliwice Canal already had chlorophyll values ​​in the highest range of the previous year, and the Czernica reservoir northwest of Ratovice showed a clearly visible algae bloom (over 100 µg/l) at the end of May. This was preceded by days of increased solar radiation. At the beginning of June, the water level in the central Oder area (river km 300 – 400) was higher than in July 2022. However, very low discharge values ​​were measured at the same time in the south (river km 220) and on the German side in the north. Comparable to the course in summer 2022, the discharge on the German…

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  • Software

    SDB-Online revamp: New features to map shallow waters within mouse clicks

    On the 21st of June, SDB–Online – the first WebApp for Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) – is relaunched. After its introduction in June 2022, five new features and workflow improvements have been added to advance the new online solution for mapping shallow waters worldwide.  “On this World Hydrography Day 2023, we would once more like to value and ease the work of hydrographers and surveyors across the globe. In particular, the new satellite scene selection offers radical time savings to SDB-Online users”, says Mona Reithmeier, product manager at EOMAP. Further amendments include a flat rate for a chosen region, allowing users to flexibly process data as often as they wish, which…

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