Finanzen / Bilanzen

Straumann Group Capital Markets Day 2021

Straumann Group invites you to attend our Capital Markets Day 2021 on Thursday, December 16, 2021. Due to the uncertainty and travel restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be held in a virtual format only. 

The Group is evolving from an implant to an oral care company. At the Capital Markets Day, we will provide more details about our strategy for the coming years and will reflect on the current trends. All information will be presented by our executive management team.

The live audio webcast is aimed at investors, financial analysts and journalists. The presentation and Q&A session will be in English.

The webcast can be accessed via and a recording will be made available. If you intend to ask a question, please follow the instructions in the Q&A section of the webcast. We also recommend downloading the presentation file in advance using the direct link in the media release on before joining the conference call.

If you have any questions, please send an email to

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Institut Straumann AG
Peter Merian-Weg 12
CH4052 Basel
Telefon: +41 (61) 96511-11
Telefax: +41 (61) 96511-11

Fabian Hildbrand
Investor Relations
Telefon: +41 (61) 96513-27
Fax: +41 (61) 96511-01
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