• Sicherheit

    The global Security Balance Sheet 2023: Empirical overview of conflicts, crises and wars in the world

    A world in disarray that can also be measured empirically. The CONIAS Risk Intelligence Team at Michael Bauer International (MBI), is monitoring almost 600 non-violent and violent political crises that threaten international security – more than ever before. In addition to the 31 ongoing wars and a further 147 limited wars that were already observed last year, these put an additional strain on the international system. Although the number of wars has dropped by six compared to the previous year, the decline is not a change in trend given the high overall burden of highly violent conflicts. The measurement of conflicts, crises and wars is based on a methodology that…

  • Firmenintern

    Michael Bauer International GmbH Launches Groundbreaking Political Risk Reports to Empower Businesses in a Globalized Landscape

    As businesses grapple with the challenges of an increasingly interconnected and volatile global landscape, Michael Bauer International (MBI), is pleased to announce the launch of its revolutionary product – the MBI CONIAS Political Risk Reports. In the face of escalating political conflicts and the imperative for companies to safeguard their supply chains, the term "de-risking" has gained prominence. MBI recognizes the critical need for businesses to actively manage the security of their supply chains to protect production and customer relationships. The Political Risk Reports serve as an indispensable tool for companies seeking to navigate the complexities of global markets. These reports offer in-depth insights into political conflicts, allowing organizations to…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Michael Bauer International GmbH Launches Groundbreaking Political Risk Reports to Empower Businesses in a Globalized Landscape
  • Firmenintern

    Michael Bauer International GmbH awarded as Global Distributor of the Year by HERE Technologies

    Michael Bauer International (MBI) is proud to announce that it has been recognized as the Global HERE Distributor of the Year for 2023 by HERE Technologies, a leading provider of location-based services. This prestigious award celebrates MBI’s commitment to innovation, dedication to delivering cutting-edge data, and exceptional teamwork, which have set the company apart as a top distributor in the field of location-based services. Presented during the HERE Directions event in Prague on November 2-3, 2023, this renowned award acknowledges excellence across business relations, partner management, marketing engagement, and customer training and engagement. The HERE Partner Program was established to bring together software builders, distributors, resellers, system integrators and experts…

  • Kooperationen / Fusionen

    Nexiga und Michael Bauer International vertiefen Partnerschaft

    Michael Bauer International (MBI) und Nexiga, ein führender Location Intelligence Anbieter für Deutschland, arbeiten bereits seit mehreren Jahren erfolgreich im Bereich internationaler Geodaten zusammen. Nun soll diese Partnerschaft durch eine weitere Abstimmung ihrer Kompetenzen und Angebote neue Dimensionen erreichen. Stärken bündeln für gemeinsames Wachstum Die kombinierten geographischen, Markt- und Risikoerkenntnisse von MBI und Nexiga bieten einen entscheidenden Vorteil, insbesondere in den Bereichen Expansionsplanung und Standortbewertung für neue und bestehende Märkte auf globaler Ebene. Diese Allianz macht sich die kollektive Expertise und die umfangreiche Branchenerfahrung beider Unternehmen zunutze und ebnet den Weg für synergetische Bestrebungen, die darauf ausgerichtet sind, die Kundenerfahrungen zu verbessern. Nexiga und MBI haben sich gemeinsam dem Ziel…

  • Firmenintern

    Michael Bauer International GmbH Introduces New International Risk Indicator

    Michael Bauer GmbH (MBI) is renowned for its exceptionally comprehensive data portfolio. The company boasts a wide coverage, both in terms of the number of countries for which it offers consistent and comparable data worldwide and in terms of the variety of data types available: geospatial, market and political data and more. MBI Risk Indicators: A Comprehensive View of the World In accordance with this principle, MBI is currently unveiling a fresh product designed to offer a comprehensive perspective of the global landscape. This product, known as the MBI Risk Indicator, showcases the organization’s forward-thinking approach to gauging risks on an international scale. This innovative indicator evaluates risks across four…

  • Firmenintern

    Michael Bauer International GmbH launches “MBI Trends” analyzing changes and developments in population, purchasing power and consumer spending data

    Michael Bauer International GmbH (MBI), a leading provider of geographic, market and risk data, just announced the launch of their new data product, "MBI Trends." This new offering is a valuable add-on to MBI’s population and purchasing power data as well as consumer spending by product groups and provides businesses with the ability to analyze changes and trends. MBI Trends offers critical insights into whether key figures have strongly increased, moderately increased, remained unchanged, moderately decreased, or strongly decreased compared to the last MBI data update. By observing these trends, businesses can gain an understanding of how the market is evolving and identify opportunities for growth. The current socio-economic data…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Michael Bauer International GmbH launches “MBI Trends” analyzing changes and developments in population, purchasing power and consumer spending data
  • Firmenintern

    2023 update of global boundaries data: Improving accuracy for businesses worldwide

    As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, accurate data has become crucial for businesses operating on a global scale. Our global boundaries support companies in understanding their market reach, targeting customers more effectively, and managing their operations in a more efficient manner. The 2023 release of our updated global boundaries data is a significant advancement for companies with a global footprint. By using this data, companies can gain a better awareness of their markets and use that knowledge to make more informed decisions about how to develop and manage their operations. Data on global boundaries is essential for businesses to successfully expand and grow. By having access to accurate data about…

  • Kooperationen / Fusionen

    MBI partners with WeVee Technologies to promote sustainable mobility

    When looking towards a more sustainable future, electric vehicles are one step towards sustainability in mobility. But as of today, there are still many challenges to bringing electric vehicles to the mass market. The main barriers for people wanting to buy an electric vehicle are range anxiety – including battery capacity and poor charging infrastructure – and the high cost of buying an electric vehicle. Overcoming range anxiety, poor charging infrastructure and high initial cost The underdeveloped charging infrastructure is a source of great stress for most electric vehicle drivers who plan both short- and long-distance journeys. In addition to this, and because charging can take up to 30 minutes…

  • Firmenintern

    Trend topic 2023: Omnichannel strategy – and how the right data can help you achieve it

    The fact that online retail has experienced a boost due to the Covid-19 pandemic is by now well-known in the marketing and sales world. In 2023, the current challenge is to strategically integrate the often rapidly developed new solutions and channels into an overall concept and to connect them with each other in the best possible way. The goal is to create an optimized shopping experience for customers who, in 2023 as never before, will want to decide for themselves where, when and how they want to shop. The key is a well-designed omnichannel strategy. This involves fully linking various online and offline channels, e.g., online store, marketplace, app, and…

  • Firmenintern

    Umgang mit den Herausforderungen des Lieferkettengesetzes

    Das Lieferkettengesetz verpflichtet Unternehmen ab einer bestimmten Größe, ihrer Verantwortung in der Lieferkette in Bezug auf die Achtung international anerkannter Menschenrechte besser nachzukommen. Bei Nichteinhaltung der Vorgaben zu sozialen und ökologischen Mindeststandards innerhalb der Lieferkette drohen Umsatzeinbußen, Bußgelder, der Ausschluss von Vergabeverfahren des Bundes und nicht zuletzt Imageverlust. Bedeutungsgewinn von Transparenz und Risikomanagement entlang der Lieferkette Unsere neue MBI CONIAS Academy im Herzen von Heidelbergs Altstadt qualifiziert Risikoanalyst*innen und -manager*innen für den Umgang mit den Herausforderungen im Kontext politischer Risiken. Mit MBI CONIAS Risk Intelligence können Risiken identifiziert, bewertet und geeignete Gegenmaßnahmen ergriffen werden. Durch methodisch fundierte Risikobewertung und adäquat abgestimmte Maßnahmenkataloge können Risiken reduziert oder ganz vermieden werden. Nach…