• Kooperationen / Fusionen

    Sharpist announces digital coaching partnership with Venture Capital firm Capnamic

    Sharpist, the leading digital coaching provider, has announced a partnership with German early-stage Venture Capital firm Capnamic on 45 coaching licenses. The partnership enables Capnamic to distribute the coaching licenses between its team and Capnamic’s portfolio company founders, providing them with personalized leadership guidance alongside financial investment. The coaching partnership focuses on Capnamic’s portfolio company founders facing first-time challenges as they scale their businesses during periods of rapid expansion – periods in which teams of two or three grow to 75+. Given the urgent need for founders to adjust to these changes quickly and effectively, Sharpist’s coaching prioritizes developing founders’ skills in leadership, communication, translating culture, and navigating organizational growth.…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Sharpist announces digital coaching partnership with Venture Capital firm Capnamic
  • Firmenintern

    Simone Mählmann startet als Director Customer Advisory bei Sharpist

    Nach einer 23-Millionen-Dollar-Investition im Februar 2022 durch Capnamic ernennt Sharpist, die führende digitale Coaching-Plattform, Simone Mählmann zur Direktorin Customer Advisory. Mählmann ist zertifizierte Business-Coachin und hat über 14 Jahre Erfahrung in der HR-Beratung mit den Schwerpunkten Learning & Development und Transformationsbegleitung. Mählmanns neue Rolle konzentriert sich auf den Ausbau und die Festigung von Kundenbeziehungen. Als zentrale Ansprechpartnerin berät sie Unternehmen zu allen wichtigen Themen rund um digitales Coaching und Führungskräfteentwicklung im Kontext von Transformations- und Personalentwicklungsprojekten. Simone Mählmann stößt in einer Zeit des beispiellosen Wachstums der Coaching-Branche zu Sharpist und wird ihren großen Erfahrungsschatz und ihr besonderes Engagement für die Professionalisierung von Coaching in das Unternehmen einbringen. Die in Deutschland…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Simone Mählmann startet als Director Customer Advisory bei Sharpist
  • Software

    Sharpist announces new Goals Page on its L&D Dashboard, enabling HR leaders to drive their people development programs with data-driven insights

     Sharpist’s new Goals Page allows HR leaders to align their individual coaching KPIs with broader company values.  Sharpist, the digital coaching provider, reveals its new Goals Page, which allows HR leaders to track the success of their L&D programs at the click of a button. Sharpist’s new Goals Page:  New features of the Goals Page include instant messaging, real-time feedback on the quality of coaching via a rating system, and the option to benchmark company data with over 1,000 Sharpist clients.  The new feature benefits HR managers, making learners’ progress and specific focus areas transparent while remaining GDPR-compliant. Sharpist, the leading digital coaching provider, has announced a new product feature…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Sharpist announces new Goals Page on its L&D Dashboard, enabling HR leaders to drive their people development programs with data-driven insights
  • Software

    Sharpist receives ISO certification, the leading international standard for information security

    As part of the company’s ongoing commitment to data security and protection, Sharpist announces certification to ISO/IEC 27001: 2013. This certification is awarded by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization), an independent, non-governmental organization comprising standards bodies in over 160 countries Sharpist’s certification guarantees the privacy of client data, encompassing hard-copy, digital, and third-party suppliers’ data. Sharpist, the leading digital coaching provider, has announced its certification to ISO, issued on September 9th, 2022. The certification Sharpist has received, ISO/IEC 27001: 2013, is Europe’s leading standard for data protection, and requires annual maintenance to ensure continued compliance with ISO standards. ISO 27001 standards focus on three fundamentals of data security: confidentiality,…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Sharpist receives ISO certification, the leading international standard for information security
  • Software

    Sharpist announces new Goals Page on its Data Driven Transformation Dashboard, further enabling HR leaders to drive their L&D programs through data-driven insights

    . ● Sharpist’s new Goals Page aims to allow HR leaders to track their companies’ individual coaching KPIs and values. ● New features of the Goals Page include instant messaging, instant feedback on the quality of coaching via a rating system, and the option to benchmark company data with over 1,000 Sharpist clients. ● The new feature benefits HR managers, making learners’ progress and specific focus areas transparent while remaining GDPR-compliant. Sharpist, the leading digital coaching provider, has announced a new product feature on its Data Driven Transformation Dashboard, the Goals Page. The feature will provide HR leaders with data-driven insights at the click of a button, offering powerful insights…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Sharpist announces new Goals Page on its Data Driven Transformation Dashboard, further enabling HR leaders to drive their L&D programs through data-driven insights
  • Software

    Führender Anbieter im Bereich digitales Coaching zieht zum Firmenjubiläum positive Bilanz

    Wachstumszahlen in allen Unternehmensbereichen zeigen steigende Bedeutung digitaler Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten 300% Umsatzwachstum, Verdreifachung der Anzahl an Nutzer:innen des Angebots und Verdoppelung der Teamgröße Erfolgreiche Kundenbindung: Organisationen setzen auf langfristige Zusammenarbeit Wiebke Rowedda, HR Director DACH and Turkey, Moët Hennessy: “Sharpist ist die perfekte Plattform für die neue Generation der Personalentwicklung.” Sharpist, führender Anbieter im Bereich digitales Coaching, blickt auf seine dreijährige Unternehmensgeschichte zurück und zieht zum Jubiläum eine durchweg positive Bilanz. Gegründet im Juli 2018 betreut Sharpist inzwischen internationale Industriekunden, wie etwa Porsche, LVMH und BASF. Nicht nur das Team ist in den letzten zwölf Monaten deutlich gewachsen von 30 auf über 60 Mitarbeitende, sondern auch der Umsatz steigerte sich im…

    Kommentare deaktiviert für Führender Anbieter im Bereich digitales Coaching zieht zum Firmenjubiläum positive Bilanz